The hair is always growing. As long it is healthy anyway. Our hair observes a cyclical routine in falling out and regrowing. Thus, if you notice that your hair is thinning or falling out or seem to be stuck in the same length and you reach the conclusion that your hair simply won’t grow anymore, you have the wrong conclusion. Unless certain very specific conditions apply, that statement is incorrect. The truth is that there are several factors we tend…
How to Grow Hair Naturally
Healthy hair grows on its own if you let it. But you can also give it a significant push forward, so it grows right. Hair grows great with some natural products. No need to go over to the beauty shop this time. You likely already have all you need at hand within your home. Follow these simple tips on how to grow hair naturally. Massage the Scalp Massaging any part of your body gets the blood rushing there at increased…
4 Ways You’re Damaging Your Hair
Assuming that everything is well with us inside and out, our hair should be looking good most of the time. Therefore, a dull, lacklustre, lifeless-looking, and frail hair is a sign that something is not going so well with you. Sometimes it doesn’t even have anything to do with diseases. Sometimes it’s just you. See, parts of the hair routines that we have adopted since the dawn of hair care are a bit too harsh to be worth it. And…
Will I Lose Hair after a Hair Transplant?
The hair transplant procedure tackles hair loss by repopulating the area with new hair follicles to grow new hair there. That said, there are very rare cases of hair loss continuing after a hair transplant procedure. The nature of said cases of hair loss varies, but most of them are reversible. Many hopefuls for hair transplant procedures ask doctors fairly frequently, “Will I lose hair after a hair transplant?” The answer, as already said, is that you might. But this…
Is Hair Transplant Helpful for All Kinds of Hair Loss?
Representing the latest in hair transplantation techniques, both FUE and DHI are the best you can get for hair transplants. Given how many people out there suffer from the affliction that its hair loss, hair transplants can help them regain their confidence. Technically anyone can undergo this procedure. The only condition required is that the hair from the donor area is still thick and healthy. Asking if hair transplant is helpful for all kinds of hair loss would result in…
What Are the Pros of the FUE Hair Transplant?
The follicular unit excision (FUE) hair transplant represents the best of hair transplant surgery. The procedure boasts of many improvements in results compared to its predecessors. The treatment of the donor area and receiving area also changed much compared to previous procedures. FUE represents a marvel that only knowledgeable people on hair transplants can appreciate fully. That said, you can read here the pros of the FUE hair transplant to know exactly what makes it so great. Pros of the…
Is It a Must to Go Bald for a Hair Transplant?
There are a lot of people interested in a hair transplant procedure, and not all of them are remotely bald yet. The hair transplant procedure caters to people that already have lost hair on their head or elsewhere. However, technically, everyone can undergo it. The requirement for a hair transplant procedure is simply to have healthy and thick enough donor hair for extracting, that’s it. So is it a must to go bald for a hair transplant? Absolutely no, but…
Why Men Get Bald Spots and Women Hardly Do
Androgenetic alopecia, or baldness, is a condition that affects everyone, both genders included. But it manifests differently on each one of them. The causes of androgenetic alopecia are the same, independent of which gender it’s affecting. What does change, however, is how it develops. Androgenetic alopecia goes by the name male pattern baldness for men and female pattern baldness for women. And accordingly, both develop differently in each gender affected. This leads to people commonly asking themselves the reason why…
The Most Common Aesthetic Surgeries after Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a lengthy, ultimately rewarding process that is full of aesthetic changes for the mother’s body. It should be no surprise there are many surgeries dedicated to restoring and improving the most affected areas. The body of a pregnant woman goes through a series of gradual changes during the nine months of gestation. Breasts become fuller, hips become wider, and a baby bump gradually makes its presence known. The extensive transformation women undergo from pregnancy until childbirth does change…
Improper Brushing Triggers Hair Loss
The most common hair-care routine of all time has got to be brushing your hair, and the one that matters the most really. However, did you know that improper brushing triggers hair loss? Most people never question how they brush their hair. They are all sure they are doing it the right way when chances are they are not. There are right ways and wrong ways to go about brushing hair. Be sure to know all the ways of improper…