Monthly Archives: September 2023

Different Ways Hair Transplant Surgery Can Change Your Life

Across the medical community, the cause of hair loss has been a topic of countless studies. Renowned scientific communities attribute this phenomenon to factors like Side effects of certain medications Age Genetics Hormonal factors On the sunny side, out of these studies, we developed certain treatment options for hair loss. The most effective solution to hair loss is, of course, hair transplantation operation. Provided that we deem the donor area of a patient suitable, hair transplantation is by far the…

Effective Ways to Treat Early Male Pattern Baldness

It is natural for every man and woman to experience hair loss at some point in their lives. However, the severity of hair loss may differ from one person to another. And it may happen earlier than usual for some people. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss amongst men. Fifty per cent of the males over the age of fifty suffer from this situation. However, sometimes it starts at a younger age. When you have…

Top 10 Tips to Prevent Hair Loss in Women

Although not as commonly seen in men, there are a lot of women who suffer from hair loss. And the social pressure on women who have thinning hair is much greater than it is for the men. Almost every woman desires to have long, healthy, and dense hair that they can style however they want.  If you are a woman and you are suffering from hair loss, there are some options that you can try for preventing hair loss. Some…

Top Myths about Hair Transplantation You Need to Know

Hair transplant is the most effective solution against hair loss and baldness. Many people prefer this method of having permanent and natural hair growth. The men of medicine have proven the superiority of a hair transplant operation compared to other temporary or unnatural remedies.  However, there are still a lot of myths out there about hair transplantation. The misconceptions can sometimes lead you to make wrong decisions. That is why we want to debunk the top myths you need to…

Pre-wedding Hair Transplant

A beautiful wedding usually requires meticulous planning and organization. Because having an unforgettable wedding is what any happy couple would want to have. This can be a quite stressful situation sometimes, especially for the bride and the groom as all the eyes are going to be upon them when the big day comes.  People will take a great number of photographs and videos of the couple, and these images will remain to be the reminiscence of that wonderful day. That…

How to Get Thicker Eyebrows?

It’s official—thin eyebrows are out, and thick eyebrows are in. It has been so for some time now. Modern fashion perceives thick eyebrows as looking more exotic, vivid, and expressive than thinner ones. Of course, not everyone is born with naturally thicker eyebrows. Many people got caught up between the two trends, previously plucking their eyebrows extensively to make them thinner and now trying to make them look fuller.  For those that want to get in on this full eyebrows…

Does Wearing a Motorcycle Helmet Cause Hair Loss?

Motorcycles have been around for more than a century already, and they are not going away. But is your hair going to be affected if your lifestyle involves a lot of motorcycle riding? There’s a common belief that wearing a motorcycle helmet causes hair loss. However, it is a little more complicated than that. To fully understand the factors at play here, you need to know the reason why hair loss happens. Motorcycle Helmet and Hair Loss A couple of…

Is Dry Hair a Sign of Hair Loss?

The state of our hair can say much about us and our overall health situation. A headful of shiny, healthy hair is seen as a sign of good health and vitality.  In addition, there are several things that can happen or that we can do to our hair to alter its state. Many states of hair are only a by-product of a cosmetic treatment we are applying that is necessary to achieve the intended effect. Some of the things we…

Is There a Way to Reverse Baldness?

When it happens, baldness is one of the nondeadly conditions that have a strong psychological effect on people. We, as a society, put so much emphasis on the appearance of others when forming opinions about them. This is instinctive and won’t easily change. Thus, when someone undergoes major changes in how they look, this concerns them a lot. They will likely start asking around to every doctor if there is a way to reverse baldness. It turns out there is…

 Is Genetic Hair Loss Really Curable?

The short answer would be “no,” genetic hair loss is not curable at all. But there are some treatments that can remedy its effect to a degree.  If you understand the causes of genetic hair loss, you’ll find that the answer to “Is genetic hair loss really curable?” is a bit more complex than a simple “no.” What Causes Genetic Hair Loss? As the “genetic” part of the name implies, the cause of this hair loss rests on the genes…