Monthly Archives: September 2023

The Effects of Sports and Healthy Hair

Getting regular exercise is an important component to have a healthy and firm hair texture. Staying away from physical activity is not a good strategy for hair growth or your health in general. Of course, not everyone would want to pay fees to a gym only to go there and tire themselves out day in and day out.  What you should know is that avoiding sports may be harming your precious hair very badly. Your hair growth and the texture…

When and How to Cut Your Hair after Your Hair Transplant

To give a short answer, yes, you can cut your hair after getting a transplant. You can either use scissors or electric razors on both the recipient and the donor area. The question comes down to when you can cut your hair. Keep reading to find out. Because of the operation you’ve just gone through, your follicles will need some time to heal. They would be very delicate during the first ten days after transplantation and would need special attention,…

Does Drinking Water Help Hair Growth

Just like plants need water to grow and flourish, so does our hair. Research shows that two to three litres of water, or eight glasses a day, is necessary for an ideally functioning body. Many of the vitamins and minerals we need to survive are water-soluble structures. Water acts as a catalyst in many chemical reactions our body makes. Apart from its effects on hair, drinking sufficient amounts of water regularly also greatly helps with your skin appearance. Not only…

Is It Possible to Do a Hair Transplant during Winter? 

We can do hair transplants during any season we wish. However, winter is probably the best season to get a hair transplant operation. Winter is the best because, in winter, the weather is usually mild or cold. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding having hair transplantation during winter. They are rarely true, of course. Let’s have a peek at these misconceptions. They say hair breaks more likely during winter. People think that we lose more hair in the winter…

What Are the Best Foods and Diet for Hair Loss? 

Many people wish for a stronger, more robust hair, particularly as they grow older. Our hair grows about 1.25 centimetres every month. This makes 15 centimetres a year. Of course, there are certain factors influencing this growth, such as the following:  Overall health Age Eating habits Genetics  All the factors listed above have a say in your hair health.  While it is true that you cannot change some of these factors, like your genetics and age, you can make alterations…

Practical Aspects of Hair Transplantation

Many people are having trouble with baldness and hair loss problems all over the world. Some of these are permanent, but others are temporary. Most people try treating this by using natural or cosmetic products that guarantee to terminate baldness. Many give temporary results, while others altogether fail. Unlike other treatments, the hair transplantation gives practical aspects in addition to permanent solutions. Hair transplantation is a surgical operation that aims to regrow hair in the bald area of the head.…

Why the FUE Method Works Well for Eyebrow Transplants

Our face is what describes us, and it directly affects our social life. To have a better impression on other people, we spend lots of money and time on our physical appearance. Along with other parts of your face, your eyebrows make a huge contribution to your beauty. Everyone wants to have thick, well-shaped eyebrows. However, undesirable circumstances may prevent that from happening.  The eyebrows can be deformed over time due to many different reasons. Some cases can be genetic,…

How Long Does FUE Hair Transplant Take to Heal?

If you are planning to have a hair transplant, you probably have thought of so many factors. One of these is surely the healing time. We have researched the topic thoroughly and have gathered all the information you need to know.  Let’s start with FUE hair transplant technique. What Is the FUE Technique? The FUE method is a popular and modern technique most frequently used around the world for hair transplantation on the scalp. The FUE method gives excellent results…

How Successful Is FUE Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is a common problem for both males and females. Losing hair is considered normal as long as new ones grow in its place. However, when you realize that you are shedding so much hair and it does not grow again, there can be a serious problem. Don’t be worried if you are having this problem. Nowadays there are many ways to terminate shedding. As a matter of fact, you can get your hair back if you get the…

What Is BIO FUE Hair Transplant?

BIO FUE, or biostimulated follicular unit extraction, is an advanced FUE technique that gives many advantages compared to other hair transplant methods. These advantages include providing healthy hair growth, much lighter procedure, the faster healing process, and being safer. You may notice that these are also the advantages that the FUE technique has. So what is the difference of BIO FUE technique from the classic FUE method? Basically, the procedure is almost the same as the classic FUE method. But…