If you have gone through a hair transplant operation, you may begin to experience tiny scabs on your scalp. This is not something that you should be worried about. This is a simple result of the bloodstains drying and hardening on the area of the transplantation. And of course, it is nothing permanent. It is temporary and will only last for a short time period. However, the appearance of these scabs is not something that you would desire to have.…
New Technology Hair Transplant – The Top Hair Restoration Technologies for 2020
Hair loss may sound like a modern problem. But countless people throughout history have considered it to be an uncomfortable situation. They have tried to formulate numerous solutions for curing baldness. These methods included bizarre ointments made of animal fats, different types of wigs and a variety of medications. None of these methods has yielded efficient and permanent results. The most advanced technology that we have today is the hair transplant operation. The FUE hair transplant operation, in particular, is…
Best Hair Transplant Methods
There are 3 main hair transplant methods in use today. From oldest to the newest they go like this: FUT (follicular unit transplantation, sometimes called FUSS for follicular unit strip surgery) FUE (follicular unit extraction) and DHI (direct hair implantation). FUE and DHI have roughly the same extraction process; the difference comes in the implantation part. FUT, on the other hand, resembles FUE in the implantation phase. But FUT is very different from the other two in the extraction phase. …
Can Hair Transplant Lead To Death?
Getting a hair transplant surgery brings about certain side effect risks alongside. Though most patients don’t experience anything more than mild to moderate discomfort. At worst, the reason for this discomfort is minor infections. Even when considering the worst-case scenario, the risk of death during operation is almost not a matter of discussion. Modern clinics keep their equipment in mint condition at all times to eliminate such a risk. Though, there have been reports of people experiencing anaphylactic shock during…
At What Age Can Hair Transplant Be Done?
Legally speaking, anyone over 18 years of age with a distinct hair loss pattern can undergo a hair transplant operation. Though, is there an ideal age? Many people who experience hair loss report a reduction in their self-confidence. That’s why they start seeking treatment options suitable for them. Still, before going in for an operation, the patient’s need to assess their situation well. In most cases, if a young person is starting to experience hair loss, it will not be…
Hair Transplant For Large Forehead
Most of us people have a physical attribute about us that we would like to change. Thanks to modern medicine, we can intervene in some of these features. Some patients may complain about having a too large forehead. Whether it stems from a recession in the hairline or simply a genetic trait in the family does not matter. Nowadays doctors can do something about it. Modern medicine offers two distinct solutions to a larger than usual forehead. One of them…
Hair Transplant Procedure
The hair transplant procedure is a process that takes a certain amount of time. After contacting our team, booking a date for the transplant, purchasing flight tickets and booking a place to stay in, the action is right at the door. Some people get anxious about undergoing surgery. Let’s walk through the steps of operation one by one. Hair Transplant Procedure: Step by Step The first thing in the preparation of the operation is shaving. We cut your hair very…
Will Hair Transplant Hairs Grow?
Frequently, patients leave the operation with very high expectations. Mainly because patients are not very informed about the hair follicles' growing phases. Many expect that the transplanted hair will start growing right ahead. As if the grafted follicles were not moved from one place to another. Transplanted hair follicles indeed have a very high survival rate thanks to our modern methods. Though this process usually takes a certain time. Hair follicles have 3 different phases, and one of them plays…
Will Hair Transplant Fall Out?
Often when patients consider getting a hair transplantation operation, the question bothers their minds. Will transplanted hair ever fall out? Well technically, the grafted follicles are immune to hormones causing hair to fall out. But there’s more to this issue than that. First, we have to discuss what causes hair from certain parts of your head fall out while other parts stay healthy. Each individual produces certain hormones called androgens. Androgens include widely known estrogen and testosterone; they play a…
Pimples After Hair Transplant
Like all medical operations, hair transplantation operation carries some risk for certain side effects. Although, most side effects caused by hair transplantation fall under mild disturbances and most resolve without intervention. After the operation, our team will give you instructions and recommendations. This will help reduce the chance of hair transplantation side effects to a minimum. Following these instructions and recommendations will also greatly influence the outcome of your hair transplant. When something unexpected happens after the hair transplant operation,…