If you are suffering from hair problems such as shedding or hair loss, you are not the only one. Both men and women can encounter these issues regardless of age. The reasons behind these problems differ from one person to another. The same rules apply if you are suffering from diffuse thinning. Many people who are suffering from the diffuse thinning problem are trying different solutions for preventing or reducing the thinning. A correct diagnosis of the cause and the…
Hair Transplant Scar: Is It Permanent or Can It Be Removed?
Hair loss and baldness have always been serious problems for both men and women. Although many different solutions were suggested, none of them was found to be truly permanent and effective for fighting these problems. This was until the discovery and the perfection of the hair transplant operation. Hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss and baldness, which allows your natural hair to grow in the transplanted areas. So far, the hair transplant procedure is the most advanced…
Eyebrow Transplant Process
Humans are innately emotional and social beings. Of course, there are many ways to express our emotions via our bodies, but as all would accept, eyebrows have a crucial role in that. Not only this, but eyebrows also protect our eyes from moisture and light. They physically help us to maintain our sight. Therefore, eyebrow loss would have severe bad effects on our lives. People may lose their eyebrows due to many different causes such as accidents, poor nutrition, dermatological…
Natural hair transplant
Through time, technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in every aspect. But one of the areas that were the most developed in the last 20 years is medicine. Since 1950, medicine evolved in such a way that life expectancy increased. People used to live 36 years old as maximum, and now the average is 78. In the past, hair loss was a problem that affected most of the male European population. Nowadays, hair loss can be handled with news…
Hair Transplant in the young patient?
So many people think that it would be better to have a Hair Transplant before be old. Young people have this idea to prevent hair loss, but have to be careful and do not rush. Normally, this problem happens due to genetical heritage. Today, we know that the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) affects the androgenetic alopecia. This cause that hair begins to lose strength, vitality, colour and, eventually, disappear. But, its good to have a hair transplant when you are young?…
Eyebrow Transplant For Men
Our face is what describes us in social life. It can give ideas about one’s personality. All of us, as human beings, always want to have a good impression on the people we meet. We spend lots of money on beauty culture. Some care for the shape of the nose, the plumping of the lips, the width of jawbones, or even the length between their eyes. And, of course, for the most outstanding part of our head: The hair. But,…
Hair Transplant Alternatives
Every day, many people choose to undergo hair transplant operation to restore their looks to the older days. While many opt for hair transplantation operations, some are reluctant to do so. To retaliate, they go with alternative hair loss treatments. Generally, the first line of defence is vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamin B7, or as popularly known, biotin is often the first thing that catches people’s attention. We often see biotin sugar-coated for hair loss treatments. It does indeed have…
Depression and Hair Loss
Almost everyone, men and women, experience hair loss problems. Genetic factors, hormonal changes, stress, irregular nutrition may cause hair loss depending on the symptoms you have. The healthy cycle of hair strand sometimes does not work properly for these reasons. You should know that this process is quite normal and accept that this is temporary. Therefore, people should move away from anxiety and stress. Seasonal transitions may affect some people negatively in terms of mental and physical health. This may…
Why Excessive Vitamin A Can Cause Hair Loss?
Hair loss is one of the major problems in today's society. In most of the case, it is normal for a variety of reasons when you get old. However, long-term hair loss might be an indication of a serious problem. Genetic predisposition, hormonal and nutritional factors, systemic diseases, chemicals, scalp diseases, drugs and stress may be the reasons for hair loss. Although you can treat this type of hair loss with PRP and mesotherapy, hair transplantation may be necessary in…
Eyebrow Hair Loss – What Are the Main Causes?
If you notice thinning or some gaps in your eyebrows, then you might have eyebrow hair loss. Eyebrow hair loss is a condition that can affect both men and women. It can sometimes occur on one and sometimes on both sides. Eyebrow hair loss could cause itchiness and dry skin; however, it is not a serious condition. There can be many factors behind the eyebrow hair loss. Those factors could be hormonal disorders, diet, and various skin conditions. Let’s take…