Monthly Archives: September 2023

Why Do Men Go Bald?

Hair loss is a serious aesthetic problem. Today, many men and women around the globe are facing it. Some people just accept that it is permanent and they go on with their lives whereas some people resort to various methods to slow it down or to put an end to it. If you are losing around 50-100 hair strands in a regular day, this is perfectly normal. This amount may increase during some seasonal changes. But if you are experiencing…

Baldness and Hair Color

Without a doubt, one of the most important issues in the hair industry is hair loss. Scientists try to find out the reasons for hair loss, whereas hair clinics try to get rid of this problem with methods such as hair transplant. It is not easy to find the exact reason for hair loss as everybody experience it differently, at different times.  There is a new controversial issue. Does hair colour affect the balding process? Scientists believe that colour actually…

Vegan Diets and Hair Loss

Everybody knows that our diets are very important for our overall health. Also, studies suggest that what we also eat directly affects the health of our hairs. Eating habits could cause hair loss or, oppositely, help to stop hair loss depending on how healthily you are eating. If you are following a vegan diet, you might be worried about experiencing hair loss. Vegan diets lack some nutritional benefits due to not eating any meat, dairy products or any other animal-derived…