FUE is the most used hair transplant method today. What should be done for 3 weeks after FUE hair transplant method? We would like to clarify this issue a little. That’s why we prepared this article.
First day
It includes the first day after the hair transplant operation. After the operation, the bandage placed on the neck is opened and the dressing is done by the specialists performing the operation or the medical personnel who are knowledgeable about the dressing.
Second day
On this second day after the hair transplant operation, the patient is asked to sit or lie down as much as possible. The hair follicles are left to rest.
Third day: First Wash After Hair Transplantation
It is the third day after hair transplantation. Today is also the first day of washing the hair. It is recommended that the first washing should be done by specialists if possible. Patients who are not suitable for coming to the hospital are told, written or watched in the video, without damaging the hair follicles, rubbing and rubbing. Shampoo and lotion should not be left on the hair.
Eleventh day: Scab Process in Hair Transplantation
Touching the delicate washes that start on the third day after hair transplantation and continue in the same way every day, is the eleventh last delicate washing day after the operation.
Fifteenth day
It is the process in which the hair follicles are completely attached to the scalp and a significant part of the healing process is completed.
Third week – One month
In the first month after the hair transplant operation, more than half of the transplanted hair is shed. This is a very natural result observed after hair transplantation. All of the patients experience this process. Since the treatment is a natural process, the patient should not panic. Permanent hair starts to grow towards the end of the second month.
Before FUE Hair Transplant Process
The individual who has decided to have a hair transplant is asked if he has any discomfort or medication under the supervision of a specialist, and tests are done by taking a blood sample from the person. If there is no obstacle to hair transplantation as a result of blood tests, hair transplantation examination is performed. During the hair transplant examination, the areas to be harvested and transplanted are examined and the hair follicle to be transplanted is calculated. If the person to be transplanted uses alcohol, he or she will stop drinking alcohol one week before the hair transplant.
On the day of hair transplantation, the patient’s hair is shaved in accordance with the hair transplantation and the hair transplantation process is started after anesthesia. Since the anesthesia procedure is local, the consciousness of the person is clear. It is taken from the donor area and this process takes an average of 3 hours. After the intake is completed, an average of half an hour break is given for the food and other needs of the patient. After half an hour, the channels where the hair follicles will be placed in the areas where the hair will be transplanted are opened and the hair follicles taken with special tools are placed one by one. This process takes an average of 3 hours and hair transplantation takes an average of 6 hours in total.
After FUE Hair Transplant Process
Medicines and shampoos are given to the hair transplanted person after the procedure. For three days, the patient is sent to his home or hotel for rest, and during this process, water or any object must not come into contact with the transplanted area and the sleeping position must be on the back. On the third day, the person who has hair transplantation comes back to the hospital and the area where the transplantation is made is washed with a special shampoo given to the patient and this procedure is explained to the patient.
The patient washes the head area with the special shampoo given for an average of 1 week every evening. One week after the hair transplant procedure, the person can resume his normal business life and his doctor will give the information that needs to be taken into account for an average of one month. will be achieved.
What is FUE hair transplant?
FUE hair transplantation is one of the different methods applied for hair transplantation. During this application, hair follicles are taken from the hairy area called donor area. Later, these roots are transferred to areas with or without sparse hair. With the Fue technique, more and more hair follicles can be transferred more easily. For this reason, it is more advantageous than the Fut method. The Fue technique is applied in a very practical way. At the same time, the amount of hair follicles you need is transferred to the balding area. One of the reasons why Fue aesthetics is preferred is that it leaves no traces.
Returning to normal life after FUE hair transplantation
The most important issue after the application is the protection of this area. Contact that may be corrosive should be avoided for a while. After the application, it is necessary not to wash the hair for a while. Care should be taken not to wet the hair during this period. Pay particular attention to protection from rainy weather conditions. Wait for the physician to let the hair wash. It is also important to wash the hair gently. All abrasive movements must be avoided. On the 3rd day after the operation, the patient can perform the first washing. Since the first wash is very important, it is recommended to perform this wash in the hair transplantation center.
The bath ban is lifted three days after the operation and the patient can continue his daily life. The nape area was opened and the small evidence opened there completely healed. At the end of this week, there will be no scar on the neck area. In the transplanted area, crusting continues and sometimes itching occurs. These crusts are removed completely after 10 days. The light crust in the transplanted area disappears. If you are in the 3 weeks after FUE Hair transplant and you think you have a problem, contact us.