What is hair transplant with FUE method?
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the first methods that come to mind when it comes to hair transplantation. The feature of the FUE method is that the scalp is not cut; This provides an advantage both during the operation and the healing process. It is preferred because there are no scars such as incision marks after the operation. In this article, we will review the “six months after FUE hair transplantation”.
What are the stages of the FUE technique?
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After the area where the hair to be transplanted will be taken is prepared for the procedure, the appropriate hair follicles are collected one by one. Root harvesting is performed with the incision tips smaller than 1 mm (0.6 mm-0.8 mm) by means of the FUE motor. The follicles taken (Graft) contain 2-3 hairs. In the meantime, it is very important that the hair follicles are not damaged. During hair transplantation, we take thousands of roots from the donor area. Therefore, the tip to be used must be small. It affects the healing process of the area.
After all hair follicles are collected, transplantation is started after separation. Channels should be opened very carefully for the transplantation process. Canal opening is a process that requires sensitivity and experience as much as root picking.
When opening the last controlled canal, the lateral slit method has started to be preferred instead of the punch system. This method provides incisions suitable for the structure of the hair and opening channels suitable for the size and length of the hair follicle. Channels opened in the right size and depth affect the rate of hair growth in hair transplantation.
Another important issue is the angle of the channel where the hair follicle will be transplanted. The biggest factor in achieving a natural hair style is the angles. It should be given differently in each part of the head. Otherwise, the hair will not be in the desired shape. Another factor in ensuring naturalness is the correct determination of the hairline. The forehead area and the area where the hair begins should be calculated in correct symmetry and proportions.
What should be considered after the operation?
After the operation, just like in Robotic Hair Surgery and DHI method, the first day is checked, followed by washing procedures 48 hours later and continues for 10 days like the others. The hair that grows out of the transplanted hair follicles grows within 2-3 weeks, but then the hair falls out. This situation is temporary. After a few weeks, the hair starts to grow back. It becomes normal after 6 months. Hair in some areas may take longer to reach this state.
How does the post hair transplant process progress?
This question is at the top of the questions posed to us by our patients People who want to find a solution for hair loss and want to have sapphire fue Considering that hair transplantation with the FUE technique is the only and permanent treatment for hair loss; You have to be patient for at least a year to achieve the desired result. The clinic chosen is of great importance in terms of shorter and healthier period after FUE hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a long process and requires patience. It is very important to work with a doctor who knows the anatomy and physiology of the hair on this journey.
Eating a balanced diet, hydrating and massaging the scalp will increase blood flow. And contribute to hair growth in this process. After the FUE hair transplantation, 2 to 6 months of massage provides acceleration of blood flow. It also positively affects the growth of new hair and faster recovery in the donor.
How does the post hair transplant process progress?
Hair growth may differ depending on the area where hair transplantation is performed. The results in transplantation in the front region may give earlier results than in the upper region. Different regions have been observed in the studies, and although there is a difference in the thickness and thickness of the planted roots, it has reached the 24th month in the areas with less blood supply.
Follow the instructions of your operating doctor for six months after FUE hair transplant. The majority of patients with FUE hair transplantation see their hair grow in 2-3 weeks after the procedure and they are happy. Immediately after the procedure, the period we call “shock loss” = “shock loss” = “shedding” begins. These hairs, that is, the visible medium, the transplanted hair is shed. In fact, shock loss is when the hair enters the phase we call telogen effluvium, it is a natural reaction to the feeling of stress experienced during the operation process. It is known that the hair follicles we transplant are stronger under the skin. At the same time, this is one of the most important stages of our hair’s life cycle.
The period 6 months after FUE
Six months after FUE hair transplant is very important. Normally, approximately 12% of the hair on our head is in the telogen effluvium phase. 4.-5. There is not much improvement until the month. In this month, the early stages of hair growth begin to appear. These hairs are fine hair that has not yet matured. This process is depressing for some patients. However, it is actually an indicator that the hair is healthy and the process is progressing correctly. The full thickening process of the hair strands is completed between 12-24 months.
6.-7. In the moon, the areas with hair pods suddenly begin to fill. For many of our patients struggling with baldness and suffering from it, this is a great start. Should not be forgotten that the image and hair density in this period is just the beginning. The frequency will increase more and more over the months.6.-9. Only 60% of the result will be seen between the months. It should not be forgotten that the loss of 10-100 hair strands per day is normal and it should not be worried about it.
During this period, new hair continues to grow and thicken. At the end of the 12th month, 80% of the density aimed to be formed as a result of planting is reached. Now the hair has grown, only the completion of thickening remains. 12-24. This too for months