Do you know what to do after the hair transplant procedure? We will tell you about this process, including the 6 weeks post hair transplant issue. After hair transplantation, the points to be considered after transplantation are as important as the transplant. Proper care of your hair will contribute to both your hair and your motivation. Post-hair transplantation care is a process that includes many different factors that need to be considered in order for the transplanted hair follicles to heal faster and to grow stronger and maintain their healthy development.
The success of hair transplantation is directly related to the post-operative process. In order to manage the problems after hair transplantation, you should take this process seriously. Also, you have to be careful with 6 weeks post hair transplant and other processes.
Why is Post-Hair Transplant Care Important?
Post-hair transplant care is very important for the transplanted hair follicles to fit in the canals and achieve the most efficient result. Because of the purpose; To protect the natural balance of the scalp, To make it easier for the roots to hold, To prevent the hair follicles from falling out, To provide the vitamins he needs.
In this context, internally and externally; The care process after hair transplantation is divided into 2. Care from the inside; It includes medicines, vitamins and nutrition. Outside maintenance, in addition to strengthening the planted area with various reinforcements; It is the purpose of protecting you from external factors such as impact, impact and friction.
Normally, it is recommended that the hair to be washed for the first time after the operation should be washed by nurses in the hospital environment. However, patients from another city or country may have to return to their homes the next day. In such cases, the washing instructions given by the doctor must be followed strictly. Also, you must follow the instructions given by your doctor 6 weeks post hair transplant and other processes.
The first day after hair transplant
Post-hair transplant care is a period of about 1 year, and in this process, newly transplanted hair follicles undergo different periods such as “healing” and “shock shedding”. The first-day care after hair transplantation varies according to the needs of your hair follicles and your conditions. You must follow these treatments, including 6 weeks post hair transplant. If the doctor’s recommendations are not followed after the operation, there may be various risks such as edema, infection, and failure of the transplanted hair. Post-hair transplant care also helps to overcome this process without damage.
After Hair Transplant Care: First Week
The process after hair transplantation begins with a healing process that lasts about 10 days. During the healing process, the hair follicles are very sensitive and delicate. You can observe the healing of small incisions in the transplantation area and donor area during this period. Also, this period is included in the 6 weeks post hair transplant topic. You can observe yourself during the first check-up after 1 week. You can learn the current status of your hair follicles. It is very important to observe the scabs on your hair follicles.
For post-hair transplant care, you should not disrupt the antibiotics given by the doctor in order to prevent complications in the transplantation area. This is also important for you in the 6 weeks post hair transplant process.
You should use your pain reliever regularly, especially in the first week.
You can wear a hairband to reduce the formation of edema. It is very important to wear a headband in order to remove the swelling in your head.
Better stay away from blood thinners for a few days.
You shouldn’t keep your head tilted for the first two nights. You can prevent your head from being damaged by standing high. It will be better for you to lie on your back so as not to disturb hair growth. It should not be in dirty and dusty environments for at least 3 days after hair transplantation. During this period, crowded and congested places such as public transportation should be avoided. It would be good if you pay attention to these conditions during the 6 weeks post hair transplant process. You should wash your hair 3 days after your hair transplant.
Post-Hair Transplant Care: 1st Month
In the first month after hair transplantation, you may experience what we call shock shedding. During this period, the healing process was completed, and the hair follicles that became tired due to the operation entered a shock shedding process. The hair follicles in the transplanted area are integrated with their nests. Things like this can happen with 6 weeks post hair transplant and other processes.
It will be good for you to take a 15-day break from strenuous sports activities. After about 15 days, you can do activities that do not require effort.
You should use the shampoo given by the doctor regularly for 15 days. This process is absolutely essential for the complete shedding of crusts. Then you can use any shampoo you want about 2 weeks later. During this time, you can carefully cut your growing hair with a razor or similar tools. You don’t have to do this, but if it sounds good, you can cut it off a bit. Your hair follicles may itch during this time. You should not touch your hair much, especially if you scratch your hair with your nails, all efforts may be wasted. There are similar details in the 6 weeks post hair transplant process.
Care after hair transplantation: Between 6 – 12 months
During this time, the shock shedding is now complete and your hair continues to grow. At the same time, you can massage your hair follicles slowly. A more comfortable process is waiting for you compared to the 6 weeks post hair transplant process.
You can use methods such as PRP and hair mesotherapy to make the hair follicles stronger. However, you should not let hair dye or any chemicals come into contact with your hair.
You should not go to places that require sweating such as sauna and bath for 3 months.
Even after a long time after the hair transplant operation, you should not disrupt your diet.