By the time they become 50 years of age, around 80% of people experience hair loss to a degree. But there are things we can do and avoid in order to slow down or halt hair loss. If the cause of your hair loss is genetic, which is the case for most people, hair transplantation is probably the best option you have because hair transplantation provides a permanent solution to baldness while other treatments only slow down the process.
Stop Smoking
Right off the bat, one of the best things you can do for your hair (and your health in general) is to quit smoking.
You have probably heard about the things tobacco does to your lungs. Though not many people are aware of the fact that smoking can induce or speed up hair loss, for both genders. It makes your skin become wrinkled and dry anyway.
Start Working Out
Another good non-medication treatment option for hair loss prevention is getting exercise regularly. Getting a healthy amount of exercise does wonders for your body with benefits, including improved circulation and vascular health. In androgenic alopecia (a genetic type of hair loss) a hormone called DHT shrinks the blood supply of hair follicles. Improving blood circulation all around will prove useful in delaying hair loss.
The hair you lost will not return at all, but if you still have some hair, you can slow down the hair loss. Minoxidil is a pretty good treatment option if you are willing to use it twice a day every day. It is an FDA approved hair loss management drug.
Similar to Minoxidil, Finasteride is also an FDA approved hair loss management therapy. This medication works by deactivating a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone slowly cuts down the blood supply to the hair follicles on your head. Due to reduced blood flow, the hair starts to thin and eventually fall down.
Address Nutritional Deficiencies
Deficiency of certain nutritional elements such as iron, vitamin A, B and E cause or at least contribute to hair loss. You may consider making adjustments to your diet to improve your intake of these nutrients if you detect a deficiency. Also taking vitamin and mineral supplementation is also another option for addressing such issues.
Be careful about how much you take in though, for an excess consumption may also lead to hair loss problems.
Biotin is a type of vitamin B. To be precise; it is vitamin B7. There is a lot of information suggesting biotin supplementation to increase hair growth. It is true that biotin can help hair growth. On the flip side, studies report that people with a biotin deficiency get the most benefit from supplementation.
Hair Transplantation
Provided that you have a good donor supply hair transplantation is the only permanent solution to cosmetic aspect of hair loss. To learn more, you can contact our experts at Gold City Hair at any moment.