Hair Transplantation and Ethnic Differences

In a hair transplant, which is a personal application, hair loss, the hair structure is an important factor affecting the success of the procedure. Standard design in hair transplant does not always lead to successful results. Therefore, it is essential to create a personalized hair design and determine the correct hair transplant technique together with it.

Ethnic differences are another critical factor in the diagnosis of hair loss and all stages of the hair transplant process. It is an essential determinant on possible complications and hair transplant results. According to a scientific study on people who have had hair transplant worldwide, some hair loss types are more frequent in certain ethnic groups.

Ethnicity and Hair Transplant

Ethnic differences also have a significant impact on the patient’s hair or beard transplantation preferences. For example; beard and moustache transplant is one of the most common practices of the patients who come to Turkey from middle eastern countries. The main reason for this is that having a bushy beard symbolizes power and masculinity for Middle Eastern men. Europeans, on the other hand, prefer naturalness in both hair and beard, unlike Arabs who demand sharp lines more in beard planting.

Although there are many hair types in various sources, a human hair is examined under three different ethnic groups. Although the chemical and protein structure of the hair is the same in all three ethnic groups, they differ from each other in terms of hair growth pattern, hair density and hair diameter.

Asians had the fastest hair growth pattern and moderate hair density with a growth of approximately 15.3 cm in one year, while Africans had the slowest hair growth pattern and the lowest hair density. 

On the other hand, Caucasians have a moderate growth pattern and the highest hair density. The most important criteria that determine the suitability of a person for hair transplant is the density of the hair in the donor area.

Hair density has two components;

  • Number of follicular units per square meter of scalp
  • The diameter of the hair

While the hair sections of the Asians are round and flat, the hair sections of the African descent are flat, and the hair sections of the Caucasus are oval. Asians have the largest hair diameter, while Africans have the smallest diameter, and people in the white race have a medium-sized hair diameter. Abundance or rarity of hair follicles is again an ethnic characteristic.

Differences of Ethnicity in Hair Transplant Procedure

The hair follicles of Asians have a more active metabolism. For this reason, they are more prone to dehydration and are not suitable for long-term storage. Considering this situation, the most suitable hair transplant technique for Asian people is DHI technique.

Although people of African descent have fine hair, their hair looks dense due to curly structure. Therefore, it is possible to obtain a denser appearance with fewer grafts in hair transplant. Although having curly hair has an advantage in this respect, it can cause complications, especially in the grafting stage.


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