A Hair Transplant in Turkey: The Best Christmas Gift

Christmas is a time of giving and also receiving. After a whole year full of trials and tribulations is over, it is good to relax and great to feel appreciated, even if it is just you appreciating yourself. Give a gift to anyone you care about or receive ones from those who care about you warmly as well.

You can even give yourself a gift. After all, who knows you better than you know yourself? But do you know what you want? 

Because balding people sure do. The best Christmas gift for them is a hair transplant in Turkey.

Hair Transplant in Turkey, Best Christmas Gift

Turkey is one of the first countries to embrace new procedures on hair transplantation as they were in the early stages during the ’90s. The country has been at the vanguard of high-quality hair transplants since then, and recently it has been getting recognised for it.

The power of social media has fuelled an unprecedented rise in popularity for hair transplant in Turkey, so much so it is now a crucial part of the economy. Hair transplants are a $1 billion industry in Turkey. And the number of procedures performed peak around Christmas.

All You Want for Christmas Is a Hair Transplant in Turkey

Despite being a majority Muslim country, Turkey has an undeniable love for the Christmas season. Decorations, music, and the commercialised aspect you would see in Western countries are here as well, and so are the on-sale prices.

And speaking of price, hair transplants in Turkey are famous for that as well. The Turkish economy enables us to provide lower prices than Western countries, such as the UK, in hair transplants. This has nothing to do with a lower quality of services either. It is only due to wages being lower in Turkey.

Thus, the operational costs are not nearly as high as they would be in the UK, and you can see that in the price you pay. All in all, hair transplants in Turkey cost almost a third of the average price in the UK for the same procedure.

Talk about affordable! It is often said that an affordable Christmas gift is the best Christmas gift—which a hair transplant in Turkey surely is. If you are looking for something different than snow, Turkey gives you warmer temperatures and exotic places to explore.

A Hair Transplant in Turkey

In Turkey, we are specialists in the latest hair transplant procedures. Both the techniques of follicular unit excision (FUE) and direct hair implantation (DHI) are readily at your disposal in our facilities. 

Both of those represent the highest standards of procedures in hair transplants that have been in development for more than 60 years.

The results our surgeon achieve are seamless all year round. By following your hair’s natural growth pattern, the grafts will end up looking very natural once grown.

Our surgeries are high-quality, and our prices affordable. Contact us to ditch hairpieces and long-term treatments with the permanent, instant solution to baldness.


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