Hair transplantation is still very easy and fast with technological developments. It has become the choice of those who have hair loss problems. Those who prefer hair transplantation, which offers structural solutions to hair loss problems, are wondering about hair transplantation prices.
Hair transplant prices vary according to the method you preferred and the condition of the region. Hair transplantation fees are directly proportional to the width of the area, while hair transplantation prices vary according to the type of the preferred method. Therefore, when searching for hair transplant prices, you should consider the width and structure of the area and the hair transplant method. The price may increase due to the number of hair follicles the one need, the quality of the hair. We can add the number of hair follicles the doctor transplants, the demand for this procedure during the hair transplantation period to the list. The state of the country, the level of expertise of the clinic, and the doctor are also among the affecting factors.
There is a demand for hair transplantation in countries such as Thailand. Thus, doctors get specialized in this area and prices do not change much. Still, the best way to learn prices is to go to a clinic and make an appointment.
Hair Loss Problem
Hair loss is a problem that can be seen on anyone, any age, and in any gender. Psychosocial problems and pressures encountered in transition from childhood to young adulthood can increase hair loss in young people through depression and excessive stress. Chronic alcohol and smoking and sleep disturbances in young people can disrupt hair health and cause hair loss. The wrong and excessive use of androgenic drugs or substances for bodybuilding in young adult males can cause hair loss. Another reason for hair loss in young people is wrong eating habits and very strict diet practices for the sake of losing weight.
You can try some things before seeing a doctor. These are the things about caring for your hair and seeing it as a living organ. For example, to prevent hair loss, especially avoid making tight hairstyles such as braids, buns, or ponytails. While going out, use mostly shabby hairstyles. Do not twist, rub, or pull your hair. When washing and brushing your hair, prefer a wide-toothed comb. Avoid hot contacts such as curlers, hair trimmers, and hot curlers. Be careful not to use drugs and supplements that can cause hair loss. Take care to protect your hair from sunlight and ultraviolet light sources. Avoid harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol. Pay attention to your sleep patterns. If you apply them, you can prevent hair loss.
FUE Hair Transplant
The FUE technique, which does not require incision or stitching during the transplantation, has taken its place as a safe method of hair transplantation in the medical literature. FUE, which is the most preferred hair transplant method in the world, is a technique that is performed by applying local anesthesia to patients and stands out with its comfort. By using special micro-motor tips specially developed for this process, hair grafts are taken one by one and transferred to the balding area. During this process, it is possible to achieve an extremely natural hair appearance as the doctor also takes into account the natural hair growth angle.
You should consider getting an FUE hair transplant if you are helpless about your hair loss problem. The most significant reason is that hair transplant is permanent. Moreover, you will not feel any pain during transplantation and after that, it will end up with satisfying results. The ones who want to learn more about hair transplants can reach us on our website, social media accounts, and phone number.
Natural Methods to Prevent Hair Loss
People with hair loss problems can prevent hair loss by using some natural methods. One of them is to apply essential oils by massaging the scalp. Massaging stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp and increases the blood flow to the follicles. By mixing a few drops of lavender, rosemary, thyme, peppermint, or cedarwood oil into your hair with almond, coconut, grape seed, or sesame oil, you can massage your hair in this way.
Another method is; using egg oil. Many people think that egg oil prevents hair loss. It is also a portion of healthy food that is used to stop graying, treat dandruff, and moisturize your hair. That also gives moisture by applying a hot oil treatment among the ones that are good for hair loss and also provides hair growth. You can use any natural oil, including safflower oil and canola and olive oil, to your hair with peace of mind. Applying henna to hair is among the methods. Although it has not been scientifically proven to work, many people use henna to strengthen their health and hair. That is a green powder that traps the hair cuticles, strengthening the hair shaft from the roots.
Mental Effects
As you are a normal human being, mental effects will not stop chasing you during the process. Not only at the beginning, but also during and after the hair transplantation you will have feelings about it. Before having a hair transplant, people are mostly having a negative perspective because they can’t even go to market without being nervous about their look. What these people need is to gain their confidence back and, hair transplantation takes the role at that point. A doctor who knows what he is doing creates a comfy atmosphere for the patient so that the patient trusts them. It is possible to say that trust and discipline generate the key points of a successful hair transplant.
Thanks to the atmosphere, the patient will have a healthy process and after all; they will relieve. This relief will continue if they obey the rules that their doctor and clinic warned them about. Their worries about their appearance before the process will completely disappear since they now look as they dreamed about.