How to Stop Hair Loss in Lupus Patients

General Look for How to Stop Hair Loss

           Today millions of men are wondering how to stop hair loss, whether they suffer from different types of alopecia or other diseases, such as lupus. People (mostly men) at any age, whether they are young or old might experience hair loss at a certain point in their life. The important thing is, realizing its early signs and interfering without losing time. As a first step, one has to admit that he or she (but mostly men) is experiencing shedding. Then, seeing a board-certified dermatologist would be the best option. In the hair loss market, there are a lot of sources that claim many things but just a few of them are useful. Due to the one that does not have to know the contexts of these sources, only an expert can give the healthiest options, treatments, and information. Also, early realizing and taking action will make a great difference. Either your hair or any part, this motto about your body must be never forgotten: “the sooner you get the treatment, the better progress you make.”

           Hair loss could occur on any part of the body. It reveals with an interruption in the body’s hair production cycle. Although it can be seen in any part, it usually occurs in the scalp (also the scalp is affected the most). Generally, the scalp contains 100.000 hair that grows, rests, falls out, or refreshes (regenerates). The aforementioned cycle passes through three phases. One of them is the anagen phase. In this phase, hair grows actively. Another one is the catagen phase. During that time hair stops growing and separates from the follicle (which stays beneath the skin) that it holds upon. In the final phase, aka the telogen phase, follicles stay about 2 – 3 months, then fall out. After this cycle, the next anagen phase is expected to grow (unless there is any trouble, like an increase in dihydrotestosterone activity). Dermatologists indicate that most people lose 50 – 100 hair in one day; these numbers are more in people who have alopecia.

Different Types of Alopecia and Lupus

           Hair may begin to fall out faster than its regeneration when the cycle is disrupted. When it starts, several other conditions occur: receding headline, hair shedding, and severe thinning. There is no single factor for losing hair. It could be a person’s genetics, cosmetics, vitamin deficiency, stress, substance-using, and so on. In short, these and factors like these might interrupt the cycle and cause alopecia. 

           According to experts, there are seven types of alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern) is the most common one. To dermatologists, it affects more than 50 million men and 30 million women in U. S. today. In men, hair shedding might begin at any age after puberty and go through decades without stopping. It starts with the upper sides of the head in M shape, and it continues to the bottom of the scalp. Eventually, it reaches the top and gets slower then. Male pattern alopecia is known as hereditary, however, it could be treated with today’s well-developed technology. Other types are not so common as the male pattern, but they could be even more destructive and faster than it. Here, the other six: Telogen Effluvium, Anagen Effluvium, Alopecia Areata, Tinea Capitis, Cicatricial Alopecia, and Hypotrichosis.

           In addition to these, there is also a Lupus disease that causes hair loss. In general, Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes fatigue, joint pain, joint stiffness, and a butterfly-shaped rash in the middle of the face. As well as these drawbacks, it can also cause severe hair loss. Although losing hair is very stressful and depressing for many people, losing when also experiencing other demanding symptoms of Lupus is more difficult. But like male pattern alopecia, there are ways to solve this problem.

Ways to Stop Hair Loss in Lupus Patients

           Before beginning, keep in mind that not everyone experiences hair loss in Lupus. However, in time many people realize the gradual thinning and falling out of their hair. Sometimes, it might go through balding. But sometimes, felt hair grows back somehow, but it is not a guarantee. Of course, if you can control the disease, you can reverse the situation and make the lost hair come back. The first thing you have to do in this kind of situation is seeing a dermatologist. He / she would examine and give you the best solution. Perhaps he / she might prescribe a corticosteroid, immunosuppressant (these are for managing symptoms), antimalarial drugs (this is for reducing flares), or intravenous drugs (this is for relieving symptoms).

           Healing or regeneration of hair might take weeks. During that time, there are a few things that could be done. For example, avoiding sun exposure is recommended by many dermatologists. Because the sun could spark the effect of symptoms. Protecting the skin from sunlight must be mandatory. Also, if you suspect from your medicines through causing hair loss, talking with your doctor would be wise. Perhaps, she / he could reduce the dose. As well as these, eating a healthy diet and reducing stress are very important factors. In this process, consuming fruits and vegetables, or vitamin medicines would be very helpful for you to overcome symptoms. Stress, on the other hand, is known as lupus-trigger.

FUE, the Most Effective One

           After these processes are done, if you still lose your hair, there is no need to worry. You might find yourself having hair with balding spots, and it might be stressful and depressing to look at, but there is a cure: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). As being the most popular and effective treatment in hair loss area, today FUE is chosen by many people, including growing numbers of celebrities. The method focuses mostly on utilizing the sources of individual follicles and implants them into the balding areas. It is developed by Drs. Bernstein and Rassman in 1995. Although people at that time indicate their concerns toward this method, it became a golden standard in time. Today the most advanced technology among hair loss treatments is used in this method. With FUE, you don’t have to go for repeated sessions on and on, you can solve your balding problem permanently in a short time with fair prices.

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