How To Stop Hair Loss From Medication

Loss of 100 strands of hair per day is considered normal. A solution must be found for hair loss above this. If thinning or openness occurs in the hairy area, it can be said that these people have hair loss problems.

To better determine this, a hair pull test can be done. In this test, 20-30 hairs are pulled. Meanwhile, if the number of palpable hair is over 5, it can be said that hair loss is intense. In this case, the necessary precautions should be taken. The reasons for this should be determined, and treatment should be applied.

Reasons For Hair Loss

Female pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in women. and is more common than expected. Hair loss occurs in 25 percent of women aged 35-40 and in 50 percent over the age of 40. Twenty percent of women with hair loss have a positive family history. In the genetic type of hair loss, the woman may have inherited her genes from the father or mother.

Hair loss is thought to be rare in women in society. However, 30% of women also experience thinning at least once in their lifetime.

In women, this condition is commonly seen in all hair. And since it does not create complete baldness as in men, the front hairline is usually preserved. Therefore, female pattern shedding (thinning and thinning) is rarely perceived. This is a rare condition that affects 1/3 of women.

What women do not want, and fear is that total baldness is unacceptable by the social environment. Generally, even in the first stages of thinning hair, it can cause a great depression in women. Women generally want to cover and hide their shed and thinning hair. Makes female pattern spills more difficult.

Hypo and hyperthyroidism

Hair loss may be one of the early signs of thyroid dysfunction. And hair loss stops after treatment.


Polycystic ovary syndrome

An inherited ovarian disease that can be seen in about 10 percent of women in their reproductive age.


Hormonal changes due to pregnancy

Hair loss, which is temporary during pregnancy, improves afterward. Hormonal changes due to menopause: Hair loss can be seen with the onset of menopause, and hair loss decreases with drug treatments that correct menopausal syndromes. Approximately 80 percent of women entering menopause may experience thinning hair.

Hair breakage can be misunderstood as thinning or hair loss. The causes of breakage can be hair straighteners, hair softeners, dense hair dyeing, and permanent blow dryers. In addition, tying the hair too tightly, braiding, shaping it tightly, and tying it back by stretching also permanently destroys the hair follicles due to pulling. Causes hair loss. It is necessary to avoid hairstyles that damage this type of hair by creating stress.


Medications are designed to treat a variety of health problems but can sometimes have unwanted side effects. Some medications can cause increased hair growth, changes in hair color or texture, or hair loss. Drug-induced hair loss, like any other type of hair loss, can have a negative effect on self-esteem. The good news is that when you stop taking the medication, in most cases. The hair loss stops, and the hair grows back in good health.


What Are the Drugs That Cause Hair Loss?

Chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment

Cholesterol and lipid-lowering drugs, which are blood fats

Medicines used as blood thinners

Medicines used in gout and thyroid diseases

Diuretic drugs, beta-blockers, and antihypertensive drugs

Using too much vitamin A medication

Medications used during the diet

Medicines that affect mood

Use of oral contraceptive drugs


How is the treatment of hair loss?

Treatment of non-genetic hair loss should be directed to the cause. Diseases that cause hair loss should be treated. Nutritional disorders should be corrected. Drugs should be stopped; smoking should be stopped; stress exposure should be reduced.


Methods Against Hair Loss

The mistakes we make frequently play an important role in hair loss. For this reason, we must pay attention to our habits for healthy and bushy hair.


Wash every other day, not every day

Avoid washing your hair daily and with too hot water. Every other day, wash with warm and not too pressurized water and a shampoo suitable for your hair type. Do not use more than two shampoos or soap per wash. Gently massage the scalp while shampooing.


Don’t style your hair often.

Do not blow-dry or style with a straightener/curling iron more than once a week. Avoid methods such as hair dye and perm as much as possible.


Choose combs with sparse teeth.

Comb your hair daily. When doing this, choose a comb with sparse teeth or brushes with natural bristles.


Consume these foods

It is very important to care for thick hair from within. The way to this is through healthy and adequate nutrition.


Meet your protein needs with these foods

Try to get your protein needs from beans, lentils, eggs, lean yogurt, and cheese that nourish the hair follicles and promote hair growth.


Get your biotin needs with chicken.

Another essential vitamin for healthy hair is Biotin (Vitamin H, B7). To meet your biotin need, consume liver, kidney, mussels, lobster, trout once a week. Consume chicken breast, egg yolk, legumes, cauliflower, or potato 2-3 times a week.


Two bowls of yogurt every day is very important

Do not forget to consume two slices of cheese or two glasses of milk, or two bowls of yogurt every day. For example, two medium bowls of yogurt that you will consume regularly will be an important source of protein and calcium for your hair.


Don’t forget green leafy vegetables for vitamin A.

You can obtain vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy hair, from green leafy vegetables and fresh beans.


A handful of walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds

In order to maintain the natural cycle of the hair, it is beneficial to consume a handful of walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids every day.


Protect your hair follicles with one carrot

One carrot you consume daily protects the hair follicles and scalp. It makes hair grow, shine, and durable.


One coffee spoon pumpkin seeds inside

Consuming 1 cup of pumpkin seeds daily provides the amount of phytoestrogen required for healthy hair.


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