What Is Hair Loss?
Hair loss is a very common problem that nearly every person can encounter in a particular period. Hair loss starts from 25 years old in men and affects their whole life. It begins with the thinning of the top and front of the head. This problem could continue to lose the whole hair. Since hair forms a big part of physical appearance, it causes not only physical problems but also psychological problems. Environmental factors, air pollution, stress, being tired, poor nutrition, chronic diseases, drugs, hormonal reasons, genetic, and using excessive chemicals increase hair loss. If your hair is becoming thin, and you feel that your hair is getting unhealthy and can not be repaired, it means that you are faced with a big hair loss problem.
Before the hair loss treatment, an expert must examine your hair loss type. Or else, diseases, hormonal, metabolic, or nutritional problems may be related to hair loss. without removing these problems, it would never be possible to treat hair loss definitely.
What Causes To The Hair Loss?
The most common reason for hair loss is stress. In addition to this, hormonal disorder, drug use, physical psychological stress, and genetic susceptibilities are other significant factors. “Androgenetic alopecia” is a disease of hair loss in both men and women. This disease is seen in women probably after their period of menopause. The hair becomes sparse in part. In women, hair loss usually starts from the top of the hair. Yet, in men, the hair loss starts from the temples. Some people tear their own hair out due to some psychological problems. This situation’s name is “trichotillomania.” Because this is completely a psychological disease, the patient should consult a psychologist. This is also a form of treatment for hair loss.
Women, in their pregnancy period, could encounter hair loss problems. It is very normal and in general, it is temporary. Anemia is a disorder of deficiency of blood. This disorder is observed mostly in women. Depending on the anemia disorder, people could have hair loss problems. It is possible to stopping hair loss by anemia treatment. Just like deficiency of blood, deficiency of other minerals like iron and zinc could cause hair loss. You can stop your hair loss problem with the help of food supplements. A regular and well-balanced diet will help you to regain your hair. Other false steps could result in hair loss like washing hair too much, tying hair up very strictly, and chemicals for hair.
How To Avoid Hair Loss?
Natural hair loss can not be prevented under normal conditions. But it is possible to avoid other reasons that cause hair loss. Hairdryers, hair straighteners, hair dye, or permanent waves cause hair loss. For preventing hair loss, it would be better to make the hair normal. As far as possible, do not dye your hair. After the chemicals are carried out to the hair, you should give time to hair to be repaired. People should use a shampoo that is proper for their hair type. Using a soft comb helps your hair to be repaired. And not to have hair loss problems, you should not comb your hair when it is wet.
Does Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?
Hair loss could be a result of many things. It affects adults and children of all ages. In addition to other reasons, hair loss may come up because of nutritional deficiency. When the body has not iron enough, your body is unable to produce haemoglobin which is found in your blood. Haemoglobin carries the oxygen which is required for repairing and development of cells. These cells also help hair growth. By the help of treatment, you can stop iron deficiency and hair loss. And you can get your hair back.
Treatment Of Hair Loss Due To Iron Deficiency
The hair loss because of iron deficiency is mostly not permanent. The best way to treat hair loss is to figure out what causes this problem. If you think that your hair loss problem is because of iron deficiency, you should consult a doctor to check your iron level. If your iron level is low, you can cure it by iron supplements. As a side reaction, intestinal motility changes can be observed. Therefore, before the treatment, you should let your doctor know if you have a stomach problem or not.
Increasing Iron Level And Hair Loss Treatment
If you are having hair loss problem due to low iron level, increasing your iron level will help you to solve your hair loss problems more than estimated. Most likely, your doctor would recommend an iron supplement if you do not eat iron-rich food like liver and beef. Meat is more contains iron than plant but if you do not prefer eating a meal, you can get iron from grains and nuts.
Vitamin C foods help you to increase your iron level as well. Because vitamin C is helpful foods that ease your body to absorb iron well. If you consult your doctor, he will help you in preparing a diet programme. Vitamin D deficiency also makes your iron level low. And it causes hair loss. Do try to get the sun as much as possible. Plus, add vitamin D-rich food into your diet. Eggs, cheese and fish are vitamin D- rich sources.
How Long Iron Supplements To Stop Hair Loss?
After you determine what causes your hair loss problem, then you can take a step according to the reason. If your hair loss problem is related to the low iron level, after the treatment, your hair will grow back eventually. However, the hair growing period varies from person to person considering the other health factors of patients. But of course, your hair regrows in a few months. Therefore, being patient is another important thing to do after recovery. During this period, it is very important to use another treatment way for hair loss, unless your doctor suggests one.