One of the facts that people care about in their appearance is their hair. The most special part of every person, especially every woman, that perfects their appearance is their hair. Although many women who lose hair do not experience any pain physically, they experience big problems psychologically. Hair loss in women has many more different causes than hair loss in men. DHT hormone part of the testosterone hormone found. Sometimes the DHT hormone kills the hair and hair follicles, so the person begins to experience hair loss problems. The difference between hair loss in women and hair loss in men is as follows: In men, the hair separation opens up due to loss. In women, hair loss occurs at the top of the hair, and the hair gradually decreases. The service received by our patients undergoing FUE hair transplantation in our clinic is one of the most impressive experiences.
How to stop Female Hair Loss?
In our clinic, women who lose hair treated with FUE hair transplantation treatment. Taking into account the structure and skin type of hair. In women, the degree of baldness in patients visible by a classification called Ludwig and in men, Norwood. After deciding what amount of hair transplantation to do, the FUE hair transplantation process begins. FUE hair transplantation is performed by taking donors where the hair is healthy in a sparse and balding area. Hair transplantations have three different methods. It’s the most effective, painless, and aesthetic method is FUE hair transplantation. This method makes you feel better and more confident, both physically and mentally. In our clinic applied FUE hair transplantation is performed according to JCL and ISO international quality standards.
What Are The Causes Of Hair Loss In Women?
There are many causes of hair loss in women. Women who want to prevent hair loss should first learn the source of the problem. After learning what reason hair falls out, you should resort to FUE hair transplant treatment or natural treatment methods. If we talk about a few of the principal causes of hair loss in women, some diseases that you have experienced or are experiencing may require FUE hair transplantation, causing hair loss. Thyroid, anemia, chemotherapy during cancer, etc. illnesses also allow hair loss to a large extent. If a person experiences stressful events in their personal life, it can be lead to hair loss. Earlier traumatic events cause a person to lose their hair, experiencing loss of appetite or deterioration in the body. Our clinic also includes services that will help you with such problems caused by hair loss.
For many of the women in the fifties or approaching their fifties, hair loss occurs during menopause and perimenopause periods. Besides, it is observed that hair loss continues after menopause. Many hormones in our body play a role in the development of our hair. Hair is also affected by this change when the hormone estrogen in the body decreases. The most important reason why hair loss in women begins at a later age compared to men is female hormones. When hair loss is naturally prevented, ovarian organs start to work in women. Hair loss, which progresses slowly until about 45 to 50 years of age, accelerated by the menopause stage. When your hair begins to fall out intensely, you get advice from specialist clinics like us. After menopause, most women have a very low chance of falling out their hair again. Therefore, the most reliable solution is FUE hair transplantation.
The problem of hair loss that women experience during pregnancy can again be due to hormonal changes. Mood disorders and stress conditions during pregnancy also lead to hair loss. Hair loss is usually encountered after the first or fifth months of pregnancy. During this step, hair loss is usually a temporary condition. Because of pregnancy, we try to offer you treatment in natural ways as a solution. This condition returns to normal about six or twelve months after birth. Since %40 of women usually experience this solution temporarily, there is no need for treatments such as FUE hair transplantation. Another cause of hair loss during pregnancy may be a lack of minerals and vitamins in your body. You can prevent hair loss due to nutrient deficiency with supplements or foods with high nutritional value. For more detailed information and advice, contact us via WhatsApp.
Genetic factors can also cause hair loss during pregnancy. For example, if your mother experienced hair loss during pregnancy, you also have a high risk of hair loss. In addition, if you have a thyroid disorder, this hormone affects a person’s metabolism, psychology, hair, and nail structure. In short, thyroid disorder during pregnancy causes hair loss. Another factor that occurs during pregnancy and causes hair loss is dermatological (skin) disorders. One of your sensory organs that becomes sensitive when you are pregnant is your skin. Before your skin allergy or skin problems that occur on your scalp also cause hair loss during pregnancy. In our clinic, also treatments applied to such scalp disorders. If you are not pregnant and still have such diseases on the scalp, you can have an FUE hair transplant. But you need to be first in the treatment process we will apply to you.
Disorders Related to Nutrition
People who have irregular eating habits may experience hair loss due to weight loss. Besides, an excessive gain of weight due to nutrition can also cause loss again, as it leads to hormone disorders. In malnourished people the body first delivers the received nutrients to organs, so hair is underfed, begins to fall out. Those who have undergone hair transplantation also should pay attention to their nutrition after FUE hair transplantation. Clinically our patients reliably and hygienically, we show the necessary sensitivity to provide services. We have a free text and video consultation service from WhatsApp to provide our patients with ease of access. Contact us with all questions and problems.