Post-transplant and shock loss after hair transplantation is one less than the preferred result. Usually, immediately after the operations, people want to get a hairy appearance, but not all patients are faced with less shock hair loss. What did I learn that the shock hair loss? What are the reasons? When does it start? When will it pass?
How is FUE done?
First, let’s summarize how this popular cosmetic procedure is performed. Follicular unit extraction is completed using a precision hand-held stapler device and digital or robotic systems to aid planning and implementation. After shaving her as a small patch of hair in the donor area, the team consists of your surgeon hair transplant specialists, these more intensive growth of the scalp – typically the head to the side and behind – will gather in small units containing from 1 to 4 hair follicles. Then they place these micro-units containing living follicles and short hairs into the recipient areas.
Strategic and artistic process. You can not add the root of the hair on your head. You have limited DHI-resistant hair. (These are follicles that have a natural resistance to the hair loss hormone DHT and typically remain thin while other areas are thin.) Instead of adding FUE, it redistributes your hair to spread the density from one area to another. When you choose a talented hair transplant surgeon, you can create the illusion of thicker hair in this way. The follicles provide their blood supply quickly and “root” at the recipient site of a healthy scalp.
What Is Shock Hair Loss and Why Does It Occur?
FUE hair as mentioned, the planting of the graft donor and acceptor sites individually removed. These interventions are considered not huge trauma. During the operation, the capillaries that feed the hair follicles are damaged. The normal condition of the skin and roots is affected, that is, the hair follicles are shocked. When the hair is the only feed a fraction of ⅓ to live her hair, and spent trauma tends to protect itself.
As a result, the hair root causes graft loss for the rest of staying under the skin. In other words, it goes into hibernation. This process is called shock loss after hair transplantation. this condition is called telogen effluvium in the medical literature. It is one of the body’s defence mechanisms.
Besides, candidates who have genetic hair loss problems may lose their hair follicles because they are very weak and weak. There are two types of hair loss after hair transplantation.
- Donor area hair loss
- Loss in the recipient area
- In the Donor Area
Hair loss in the donor area is a normal result. Especially taking too many grafts from the upper ear area causes intense hair loss. This causes a bad hair transplant. A wide fist can also begin intense hair loss. While hair loss is often encountered in the FUE technique, there is almost no such problem with FUT.
You can see permanent hair loss in the donor area in the picture below. Unfortunately, new hair in the donor area will not grow.
Hair Loss in the Recipient Area
During the shock hair loss or balding areas increasing in intensity may occur. In this case, the hair may fall in miniature, and this is the main subject of the current page.
When Does Hair Loss Begin and End?
10 days after the surgery, skin peels are poured. If a candidate gets the desired hair appearance in this period, but not for long. Hair starts to fall out within 15-20 days. Moreover, hair loss is 25-30. Recently very intense. For those wondering how long the shock loss lasts, the answer is around 2 months.
Moreover, the density of hair loss is different in each person. Some are much less exposed to it. Others will lose almost all of their hair. This period is considered to be one of the most frustrating periods.
The pictures below show the situation before hair loss and shock for the next 3 months.
When Does Lost Hair Grow Again?
Shock loss usually continues for 2 months. This period is not very pleasant and “ugly duckling” is called. Some patients have trouble lasts 3-4 months. The first hair is very weak and thin like baby hair. Hair transplantation after hair growth and our dedicated article you can find more information about this topic.
What You Need to Know About FUE Hair Transplantation and Shock Loss
- Although not entirely uncommon, this phenomenon only occurs in about 5% of hair transplant patients.
- In most cases, this is a temporary situation.
- It is not a sign of a bad hair transplant, but a normal side effect.
- It is the follicle that matters, not the hair.
Thicker hair sparse hair on your skin, you are planning a restoration surgery to restore the thinned region. Like many patients after surgery to check their progress and the new eagerly implanted grafts of follicular growth will examine Watching every day. After about 3 weeks if you notice that some of the hairs fall out, you can panic.
What Causes Shock Loss After FUE Hair Transplantation?
You will return home to recover and relax after your procedure and will receive a few simple instructions for scalp care. These include contact restrictions (no touch) and reducing infection risks (no swimming, jacuzzi, or bath).
In optimal conditions, a hair transplant recipient will recover very quickly after follicular unit extraction because the small incisions are so small. Much less scalp trauma and micro-cuts mean that today’s FUE hair transplant patients experience a rapid recovery of 3 to 5 days. The removal sites close within a few days and the recipient sites appear red/pink and slightly swollen.
Once the inflammation has resolved, most patients return to work and life as usual after the first week. But waiting for her new hair will be a long, inevitable part of the process.
The hair enters the resting phase where the hair strand is released and shed. Then, follicles remain dormant for several months before resuming operation.
Your hair illness, stress, medications and now suddenly fallout stage due to many factors, such as trauma.
Do not FUE hair transplantation, which interferes with the normal hair growth phase in the affected follicles disrupted planting and soon it is known to cause loss of hair. This is often called “shock loss” is called.
Temporary scalp trauma experienced by the people during hair restoration, neighbours or can even cause loss of sleep to remain healthy hair. This is less common, but fortunately, it is a temporary situation.