After Hair Transplant
As a result of the development of 3 weeks after hair transplant with the FUE technique, it is now possible to make hair transplants almost as often as the person’s own hair.
At least 4,000-4,500 grafts are transplanted with mega sessions, and these numbers increase up to 6,000 grafts according to the appropriate donor area. For the first 1-2 days after hair transplantation, the patient is recommended to lie on his back to prevent any swelling and bruising on his face. The patient is described as how to wash and care for 2 weeks by performing the first washing and control the day after the intervention.
In the meantime, information is given about the use of antibiotics, painkillers and drugs that prevent swelling to be used for a week. From the 3rd day, the patient starts washing his hair as described.
After Hair Transplant 10 -15 days
The scabs on the transplanted hair are shed during the washing process and are completely cleaned within 10-15 days. If there is shedding or thinning in the unplanted hair of the patient, a special treatment is given to stop the hair loss and even thicken them from the 3rd week. Thus, in addition to the transplanted hair, its existing hair is also guaranteed.
The transplanted hair strands will begin to shed temporarily, as the hair follicles do not begin to vein after 2-3 weeks. 70-80% of the transplanted hair will be shed in 1-2 months. Instead of lost hair, new ones will start to grow within 2-3 months and will start to reflect the desired result within 6-8 months. The hair does not sit well before 1 year.
After completing a year, a lush and natural hair appearance, which not know to have a transplant, will appear. If the area is too wide and there is not enough hair follicle in the neck, the opening may not be completely close, in the 1st session. Then the second session will be required. For the 2nd session, at least 6 to 8 months must pass.
After the hair transplant operation, shorten the hair in the transplantation area and donor area (neck) by using scissors for three months.
3 weeks after hair transplant
* If the hair desire to use very shortly after the hair transplant operation, a razor can make at least in the sixth month.
* If you want to apply dye to the hair after the hair transplant operation, it should be at least six months. Many patients who undergo hair transplantation see with horror that their transplanted hair sheds about 6 weeks after surgery. It should not be forgotten that this situation is normal and almost always temporary. It will take 5 – 6 weeks for the hair to grow back after the hair is shed. You can calculate that your hair will grow about half an inch each month.
- Hair care after hair transplantation
Haircare is important for the recovery of the hair and scalp after the operation. It is not only valid for hair transplantation but also recommended for healthy hair. You can shorten the healing process by applying hair care yourself at home.
– You can wash your hair 4 days after the operation.
– Hair should wash with Bephantol lotion. The special shampoo provided.
– Hair should wash 1-2 times a day for an average of 15 days.
– You can start using the hairdryer as cold blowing after 5 days.
– Spray, paint, gel … etc for 15 days. do not use.
– The transplanted hair may enter the process of shedding after 3 weeks, but this shed hair grows healthier and bushy after 8 weeks.
– With the recommend shampoo, the neck area carefully wash with normal washing movements, including the suture area.
Hair Care
The transplantation area shampoo with gentle movements. After all these washing movements complete, time rinse. At the end of 10 days, when the crusts disappear, you can wash your hair with your own shampoo.
– After drying your hair naturally, carefully comb it. If you need to use a hairdryer
You can use it after 5 days with cold air blowing.
– If you need to work in a dirty environment for the first 3 days, you should definitely wear a hat (with a cap, adjustable width at the back).
– Do not apply hair spray or gel on your hair for the first 15 days. 3 weeks after hair transplant the hair in the transplanted areas may fall out, do not worry. Hair will grow back within 8 weeks. After the hair transplant, follow the hair washing cure your plastic surgeon recommends to you, and special shampoos should be used for this job. After the hair transplant, it would be very healthy if you do this job with the help of another person, if possible. The first hair transplant is very, very important. It is very important that the transplanted hair does not move. If it not finish properly, you may lose many transplant hair follicles.
- What to Expect After Hair Transplantation
Approximately 3 weeks after the surgery, 80% of the patients lose all or part of their transplanted hair. It should not forget that this situation is normal and always temporary. After the hair is shed, it will take 3 – 6 months for the hair to regrow. You can calculate that your hair will grow approximately 1 cm each month.
Is There Any Scars After Hair Transplantation?
With the Fue method, it is not possible to leave a scar in any way.
- Hair Shaving After Hair Transplantation
* After the hair transplant operation, shorten the hair in the transplantation area and donor area (neck) by using scissors for three months.
* Hair desire to use very shortly after the hair transplant operation, a razor can make at least in the sixth month.
Return To Normal Hair Growth After Hair Transplantation
Many patients who undergo hair transplantation see with horror that their transplanted hair is shed about 6 weeks after surgery. It should not be forgotten that this situation is normal and almost always temporary.
Follow-up Interventions After Hair Transplantation
In order to achieve a more natural appearance, you may need some surgical correction after your incisions have healed. This can be in the form of reshaping the hairline with minigreft, micrograft and slit grafts. If you have had flap surgery, you may have a protrusion in your head called a dog’s ear. After your recovery is complete, your doctor can remove this with a small surgical procedure.