Donor Area Infection After Hair Transplantation

Post-Hair Transplant Infection Treatment

Hair transplantation procedures are performed in sterile environments because donor area infection after hair transplantation is very low. Donor regions and local infections are seen in plantation areas. There is a risk of scaling and infection after hair transplantation. After these scabs plantation must be removed with a special shampoo. 3-4 times a day is necessary to use antibiotic creams. When inflammation is seen after hair transplantation, antibiotic treatment should be started.

Pain in the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is the impact of pain on the person after the first day, do not feel limited anaesthesia. After a while, they may feel a slight pressure on the neck region. Painkillers prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly for three days.

Healing of the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

After plantation, plantation, go to the clinic performed for the first washing process. The hair is made of control, pop bandages, and the first washing process is carried out. After three days, small wounds in the neck area is closed and begin the healing process. The doctor makes the dressing of the region and leaves it open.

After the bandages are opened, itching may occur in the donor area. To alleviate itching, it is useful to apply gentle pressure with the palm of that area and light massage with fingers.

After hair transplantation, it takes up to 10 days to fully heal the wound appearance in the donor area. In some people, recovery occurs very quickly, while in others it is a little slower.

Shedding in the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

In the FUT hair transplant method, hair thinning and shedding occur. It resolves spontaneously after 3-4 months.

After hair transplantation, hair loss in the donor area begins after 2-6 weeks. After 2 to 4 months, it returns to normal.

The transplanted hair falls out in the 3rd month after hair transplantation. 4 months after the new hair begins to take the place of hair removed. It takes 1-2 years for the hair to give a complete appearance.

Shaving the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

After hair would bother people from the area sown with hair length between the region where the hair grafts. 3 weeks after the hair transplant donor area may shave. 1 month after hair transplantation hair shears made in the region may be shaved.

After Hair Transplantation Donor Area Cream

The quality of the product used for hair transplantation After hair care ranges. More sensitive and needs the careful implementation of shampoo and hair care series. The use of herbal products for the prevention of healthy new hair extensions and hair loss may be helpful.

Acne in the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

One of the side effects that may occur after the plantation is the formation of acne. The first three months of the hair root occurs in the region received or made planting. After the hair transplant, acne is normal. It should be noted that the fact that acne is painful and size. Acne grows, swells and the needle take by doctors in pus pimples if it becomes painful.

Burning in the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

A burning sensation may occur especially in the donor area 3-4 days after transplantation. When burning sensation donor area 3-4 times a day and must wait for the absorption of moisturizing lotion applies.

Redness in the Donor Area After Hair Transplantation

The redness stems from transactions occurring after plantation and is not a serious problem. During the plantation process of opening micro-channels in the skin causing redness. A rash occurs in all patients. After planting usually goes away after two weeks. Hair transplantation using in medical creams and lotions on the skin rash that occurs because of a doctor’s supervision.

Will the Hair from the Nape Grow Again?

Hair follicles taken from the nape area will last for many years. The hair does not grow again from the roots that are taken from the nape area and used in hair transplantation.

In Which Areas Is Hair Transplantation Done?

The nape area consider the donor area for hair transplantation. If enough hair follicles cannot obtain in the nape area, hair follicles can also  take from the chest, back, arm, and leg areas and transplant into the required areas.

Treatment Methods for Acne After Transplantation

Observation Phase

After hair transplantation, acne is a normal process but should be followed. Attention should be paid to the size of the acne and whether it is painful or not.

Hot water compress

The hot water compress applied to the pimply area helps reduce large pimples. Hot water compress without applying too much pressure the method use in the treatment of pus acne.

Topical treatments

Antibiotic creams recommended by the doctor also use in the treatment of acne that occurs after hair transplantation. Antibiotic creams help to dry the inflammation and alleviate it in case of itching.

Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics can prescribe by the doctor for acne treatments that are recurrent and painful, although they are not very common.

Evacuation of Inflammation by the Doctor

If the pimples that occur after hair transplantation gradually grow, become swollen and painful, the pus  remove by the doctor with a clean needle.

After hair transplantation, pimples disappear approximately 4-5 months after the transplant hair follicles begin to grow on the skin surface. The recovery time varies according to the person’s body, but the person needs to show the necessary care.

Treatment Time for Acne After Hair Transplantation

Although the treatment period for acne after hair transplantation varies depending on the type of acne and the body of the person, it is generally between a few weeks and 5 months.

The more patients take the necessary precautions after donor area infection after hair transplantation and take care of them carefully, the acne problems will be solved in a shorter time.

Except for folliculitis and cyst-induced pimples, it is normal to see acne after hair transplantation; These disappear spontaneously after a while without physician intervention.

In the transplant area, acne appears later than acne on the neck. Finally, it also takes a little longer for these to pass compared to acne on the neck. Pimples on the nape, on the other hand, both come out early and pass faster.


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