What to do for pimples and acne scars after hair transplant

During the first week after a hair transplant, you should wear a medical cap or clean hat whenever you go out. Care must be taken that the cap does not touch any of the cuttings. You should use your fingers to gently apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the seams on the back of your head twice a day for seven days. Your stitches should be removed 10-14 days after the procedure.


On the first day after surgery, you can place an impregnated washbasin on your implants for 10 minutes at a time, up to four times a day. After two days, you can start the shampoo gently up to twice a day. Gently means that you should not let the power of the shower hit the cuttings, nor do you aggressively massage the cuttings with your fingers or nails. One technique that has worked for many patients is to tilt your head forward as you shampoo the back and sides of my scalp. This allows the foam and water to be washed gently over the cuttings which is a good way to clean your “new” and old hair.


On the seventh day, you can shampoo as you did before the hair transplant procedure at our clinic. I can normally massage the surface of the implants with my fingers and remove any crust.


Hair Care

Hairstyle / Brushing – In addition to the inoculation zone, you can gently comb your hair from the first day after the transplant. Do not touch the graft with the comb. You can comb all your hair, including any hair that may be in the vaccinated area, starting on the seventh day after the procedure.


Hairspray / Hairdressings– You can use sprays, conditioners, shampoos and other hair products after 7 days. As the cuttings heal well, you will not harm them if they come in contact with sprays and other hair products.



Redness, swelling and slight tenderness are expected for the first few days after a procedure. Rarely, one or more cuttings may become infected. They appear as white blisters (pimples) or redness around individual hairs. It may be associated with a yellow crust and may be sensitive. If this happens while retrieving your hair transplant, contact our office. May require antibiotic treatment.


Almost everyone will develop a few pimples in the recipient area starting about a month after the hair surgery and continuing for several months. These are new hairs that penetrate the skin. They tend to resolve on their own in three to four days. As individual pimples resolve, new ones may appear. They generally do not require treatment. If more than a few develop at the same time or the skin in a larger area is swollen, red, tender and hot, then you should call us, as antibiotics may be necessary.


Extremely unusual. If this happens, it is usually in the form of bursitis which are just small pimples that appear all over the transplant area. This is like acne and is easily controlled with antibiotics. It does not seem to affect the absolute growth of hair.



Numbness, tingling or similar sensations may occur temporarily on your scalp. These are the results of cutting small nerve endings in the skin when harvesting donor grafts and creating recipient sites. This generally disappears within a few months as the nerve endings reappear.


Other problems

Sometimes the inoculated area or sutures in a donor area bleed. This can usually be controlled by applying pressure to the cold pack area. Applying a cold pack to the donor area can also help control pain in the area. To do this, a soft cloth saturated with ice water, an ice pack wrapped in a damp cotton cloth or a reusable cold pack can be used. If the bleeding does not stop with constant pressure for 15 minutes, you should call your doctor. Never place a cold pack on the vaccinated area.


Numbness may occur for a short time after the transplant. It will be resolved, in most cases, within 3-12 months.


The stitches of some patients are somewhat uncomfortable. This is normal. If the grafts or donor area becomes hot, inflamed or very uncomfortable, you should consult your doctor, if you are very uncomfortable and can not contact our clinic.


Some hair transplant clients experience peeling, brushing or itching in the first month after the transplant. This can be treated with over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or lotion in the area two to four times a day to cleanse it.


Small crusts may form in the area of ​​the graft. These will start with shampoo in seven days or later. The small wedges of the hair that come out with the crust are normal and do not represent a loss of grafts. The hair will start to grow as expected, usually about three months after the transplant. Some hair-like pimples may appear during the regeneration phase, which is usually felt 45 to 90 days after the procedure. An over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide formulation can be applied to the area twice a day to clear them faster than if left to heal on its own. Patients using a benzoyl peroxide preparation usually see results within three to five days.


Real problems after hair transplant

Follow the instructions carefully so as not to miss the cuttings.

The growth will probably not be as thick as you or I would like. The top of your head initially had 30,000-50,000 hairs before it started to lose it. Usually, even with multiple procedures, we can only move 12,000-18,000 hairs.

Growth will probably not happen as fast as you would like, in fact, you will probably not see any growth four months ago or a little earlier. Be patient. It takes more people at least four to six months to begin to see the positive change and most likely, about 12 months to see the full benefit.

In some cases, it may seem a little thinner after the transplant. This is more likely to happen when there is pre-existing hair in the transplant area. These hairs can be thinned within 3 months after the transplant, but they usually grow at about the same time and rate as the transplants. Do not worry if you look thinner three months after the transplant – your rewards will start coming after 6-12 months.

You will not get the maximum benefit from your transplant until 9-12 months after the procedure, because the hairs must have this time to regenerate the length and thickness of the trunk. You will see improvement in four to six months in the form of fine hair, but the results usually peak in 9-12 months.

Hair loss is a continuous process and you will probably want additional replacement procedures in the future to thicken or cover new areas of loss. 

We are always available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Do not hesitate to call us. For us, you are the most important person in the world. you are our patient.


If you are looking for a specialized and recommended hair transplant doctor, contact us today.

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