How to sleep after fue hair transplant?

Hair loss is a problem that affects many people around the world. It is known that hair loss plays a significant role in personal image perception, self-confidence, reduces body image satisfaction, and causes socially recessive. Therefore, there is a massive increase in the number of men and women seeking a solution for this problem, which affects more physically and psychologically than previously thought.

Hair loss environmental factors; It may occur due to genetic, hormonal changes and ageing, as well as some dermatological diseases, burns and accidents. Hair loss, in other words, androgenetic alopecia, which develops with the effect of androgens, which is the male hormone, is the most common cause of hair loss in men with a genetic predisposition.

It develops with the loss of hair in the forehead and crown area that are genetically sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, one of the male hormones. The stronger this sensitivity, the more spillage will be. Factors such as stress, age and hormone levels play a role in the activation of these genes that come through familial inheritance.

Who gets hair transplantation?

People who have hair thinning or shedding due to genetic reasons, hormonal problems, stress, environmental factors, and accidents can have hair transplantation. The person who will have a hair transplant operation must have the number of grafts required for transplantation.

Hair or beard transplantation can also be performed on people who are born without hair. In cases where the grafts required for hair transplantation are not sufficient in the head area, hair follicles can be harvested from various parts of the body such as the neck, back, chest and genital area.

For the hair transplantation process, the shedding rather than age plays a decisive role. If the scalp is visible when viewed, it means that the density of the hair in that area has fallen approximately 50% below the rate it should be. In such cases, the most effective treatment method to be applied to the patient is hair transplantation. Questions such as how to go on daily life, how to sleep after fue hair transplant are among the most curious questions.

Completion of incomplete hair loss is the most crucial factor that age plays a role in hair transplantation. Although male pattern hair loss is a lifelong process, the rate of hair loss slows down after the age of 40. Therefore, it should be known that hair loss will continue after hair transplantation in people under the age of 40, and the patient may need a few more sessions later.

After hair transplantation

Hair should never be washed on the first day. On the second day, you should go to the hospital and have a dressing on your neck area. Washing the hair is recommended only after the 3rd day. If washing is done before, it won’t be easy to get the desired result from hair transplantation.

In the first three days, it should not be exposed to the sun as much as possible. If you have to go out, you should wear a hat made of soft fabric that will not bother your head. It is necessary to take care that the area where the hair is transplanted does not come into contact with any place and does not get hit.

It is necessary to avoid smoking, coffee, tea and alcohol consumption in the first three days. Since these are substances that directly enter the blood and contain drugs or stimulants, newly transplanted hair follicles will be affected very quickly.

Since both the donor area and the transplant area are treated during the hair transplant operation, extra care should be taken in these areas. After the hair transplant, you should rest at home for the first three days and protect the head area from possible impacts.

How to sleep after fue hair transplant; also, a hat should be worn for the first 15 days after the operation. In this way, it is protected against external factors such as harmful UV rays from the sun, rain, wind and dust. 

In the first month after hair transplantation, environments such as gyms, sea and baths should be avoided. Thus, inflammation and possible blows that may occur in the transplanted area are prevented. With a few sessions of PRP that can be done after hair transplantation, the vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed in the development of hair follicles can be provided. In this way, the transplanted hair will grow much faster and look more natural.

How to sleep after fue hair transplant?

It is possible to feel partial pain and fatigue after hair transplantation. Even the patient may be tense due to the anaesthesia given.

If the medications recommended by the doctor are used, the complaints disappear entirely within a few days.

How to sleep after fue hair transplant; For the first few days, it is necessary to lie on their back as much as possible and nothing should come into contact with the treated area. If the application is also performed on the end of the head, the patient should lie face down.

Edema may occur if you lie on the transplanted area after hair transplantation. There is no need to worry about this because the swelling will disappear within a few days.

The day after hair transplantation, the bandage placed on the area where the hair is taken from the neck should be removed, and dressing should be done. After that, a bandage will be attached to the forehead area, and the edema will be prevented from the head of the forehead and eyes.

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