Is FUE hair transplant the best

Damaged hair begins to fall out over time. Hair loss is a problem that occurs not only in men but also in women. And there are many reasons for hair loss. These can be stress, hormonal disorders, irregular diet, genetics. Hair loss begins to be evident, especially in later ages. And the only permanent solution for hair loss is hair transplantation.


According to studies, people with hair loss and bald have lower self-esteem. And the person feels older, so they are more passive in social situations. These people can increase their self-confidence and take a more active role in social situations by having a hair transplant. In addition, thanks to FUE hair transplantation, you can have a younger appearance and make your hair look thicker and more natural than before.


What is FUE hair transplant?


FUE hair transplant method is one of the most widely used hair transplant techniques in the world. In the FUE hair transplant method, no piercing is made on the incision and skin, so FUE hair transplantation is one of the best hair transplant methods. Follicular Unit Extraction was first applied with 1-1.5 mm punches towards the end of the 1980s.


In the FUE hair transplant method, first, the hair follicles are taken from the donor area one by one. Donor areas are taken from the places where the hair follicles are the strongest. These areas consist of hair in the neck and upper ear area. After these roots are collected one by one, they are transferred to the bald spot with unique codes. Hair transplantation is also transplanted to the desired area one by one. For this reason, FUE hair transplantation takes longer than other hair transplantation techniques.


FUE hair transplant method is the most common method used in the world. The person who will apply the FUE method must be an expert.


Advantages of FUE hair transplant


FUE hair transplant provides more innovation and convenience than old hair transplant techniques. And the most widely used hair transplant method today is FUE. Because in the FUE method, since the scalp is not cut, the healing process of the person takes faster and a more natural appearance is obtained.


Thanks to FUE hair transplantation, your hair will not fall out again. Because the roots transplanted in the FUE method are taken from the neck and upper ear hair, there is no possibility of hair loss. The hair in the neck and upper ear area is the healthiest and strongest hair.


You can get a more natural appearance thanks to the FUE method. Because, thanks to FUE, you can have more frequent hair transplantation and regional hair transplantation.


FUE hair transplant is more comfortable to apply than other hair transplant techniques. You will not feel any pain during the FUE operation, so this method is preferred by patients who do not want to feel pain. Thanks to local anesthesia, the operation is completed within an average of 6-7 hours.


How is FUE hair transplantation done?


In the FUE hair transplant method, the hair in the donor area is shaved first. As a result of this shaving, the size of the hair remains 1mm. The reason for shaving the hair is to perform the surgery better and to see the donor areas better. Before starting the operation, the place to be transplanted and the donor area are numbed with local anesthesia.


General anesthesia is not used in FUE hair transplantation. Using only local anesthesia, anesthesia is applied only to the area to be treated. After local anesthesia is applied, hair follicles are collected thanks to the micromotor tip very carefully. After the necessary amount of grafts are collected from the scalp, hair transplantation is used to the desired area with the same method.


How long does FUE hair transplant take?


We have previously told you that FUE is one of the best hair transplant techniques. The duration of FUE hair transplantation varies according to the size of the desired area. This period varies from person to person. Because the need for hair follicles and grafts for the transplantation area is different for everyone. If an average of 3000-3500 hair follicles is needed in an FUE hair transplant procedure, this process takes approximately 5-6 hours.


Hair transplantation time varies according to the number of grafts. Sometimes the surgery takes a short time; sometimes it can take a very long time. In the FUE technique, the harvesting of grafts takes an average of 3-4 hours.


The factors that determine the duration of FUE hair transplantation include; The experience of the doctor who will operate, the number of grafts to be planted, the size of the hair loss area and the structure of the scalp that can affect the process.


What should be done before and after FUE hair transplantation?


Before the FUE hair transplant operation, as we mentioned before, your hair is shaved to remain 1mm. But before that, there are things you should and should not do. You should wash your hair before the operation, and you should not use products such as gel and wax.


In particular, you should not consume alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea and caffeine-containing products 24 hours before the surgery. And if you are doing intense sports, you must have quit the exercise 1 week before.


And most importantly, if you are on medication, you should have stopped using the medicine until 15 days before the surgery. You should share this with your doctor.


Haircare is essential after hair transplantation. You should not wash your hair every day. After the operation, you can wash your hair professionally in the clinic. Then, you can wash your hair yourself, once every two days. And when washing your hair, you should prefer shampoos containing natural oils instead of detergent-containing shampoos. Shampoos containing natural oils will nourish your hair follicles.


You should protect your hair from extreme heat and extreme cold. Excessively hot hair can damage your follicles and kill your hair follicles. You can choose to use a hat to protect yourself from sunlight. If you want the hair transplant operation to result successfully, you must follow these instructions.

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