I suffer from hair loss looking for a hair transplant as an option for my hair restoration. I have heard that hair transplantation is felt for a while afterward. How soon can I wear a hat after hair restoration surgery?


Immediately after the hair transplant surgery and for at least the next 2 weeks (maybe much more depending on a number of variables) – the fact that you did something on your scalp will be felt, although I doubt many people will find the hair transplant.


The use of a loose hat is acceptable immediately after hair transplant surgery – the same day, but be careful not to touch the transplanted hair. Some hair transplant surgeons will even offer a loose wear cap outside the office. It is important, however, to contact them first to find out if you will bring your own or not.


It is also very important to follow the postoperative hair restoration instructions given to you by the hair transplant clinic.

Rest And Come Back

We perform hair transplants to outpatients, which means you can go home when the procedure is over. However, because we use a mild sedative during surgery, you will need someone else to take you home. Once you get there, you will want to relax and unwind for the rest of the day.


Most of our patients can return to work the day after surgery and continue most regular activities within a week to 10 days. We would also like you to return to our offices the next day after your procedure to inspect and shampoo the transplanted areas.


In the first few days after surgery, your body needs to spend its energy treatment, not exercise. Do not run, cycle or lift weights within three days of surgery and avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for at least a week.


However, be sure to follow your surgeon’s specific postoperative instructions regarding restrictions on your activities.

Taking Care Of Your Skin

One of the major benefits of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique we use at the Miami Hair & Skin Institute is the lack of a visible linear scar associated with older transplants. In contrast, minimal scarring after FUE transplantation occurs in a dotted pattern and is almost undetectable after healing and regeneration.


However, you still want these scars to heal as soon as possible and minimize the risk of infection. Therefore, follow these general guidelines during your recovery period, unless your doctor advises otherwise.


Avoid alcohol for at least three days after the procedure, as it can act as a blood thinner that inhibits and slows down the healing process.

Stay away from spicy foods for at least a week, as your body’s reaction to such heat diverts energy and resources that would otherwise be healed and repaired.

Be polite

Your transplanted follicles will grow well as long as they have time to calm down. Therefore, you will want to be as gentle as possible with your hair and scalp and:


Wait at least 24 hours after surgery before washing your hair.

In the shower, gently wash your scalp with cold water.

Avoid brushing your hair for as long as possible.

Stay away from hot styling tools for at least a week.

Do not wear tight bands or clips.

Instead of rubbing your hair to dry it, apply light pressure.

Do Not Panic And Be Patient

If you notice hair on your brush or drain after the transplant, do not panic. It is perfectly normal for transplanted hairs to “fall out” in the first weeks after surgery. After surgery, the transplanted follicles become inactive causing your hair to fall out. The follicles, however, are not going anywhere and new hair will soon start to grow.


As your hair grows slowly – only about an inch a month – you may not see your new, improved scalp until three to four months after surgery. Your hair will continue to grow stronger and thicker and while the initial growth may be uneven in some areas, it will soon be exhausted. By eight to 10 months, your hair follicles will reach maturity, and about a year after surgery, you will have the results you have been waiting for so patiently (although it may be closer to 18 months for some people).

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Now that spring is here and Long Island is warming up, you need to be very careful to avoid direct sunlight on your scalp. If you know what a bad sunburn is like, you can probably imagine the pain of a burn on your sensitive scalp. Even if you have a few weeks after your FUE hair transplant, it is still a good idea to follow your summer hair care tips.


Take pain medication

After the procedure, your scalp may feel uncomfortable. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, over-the-counter pain medication can help reduce some of the mild pain and swelling that occurs naturally after any surgery.


If your pain level rises or you think there is a possibility of infection, call your doctor right away.

Sleep With Your Head Down

For the first few nights after the procedure, it is best to sleep on your back with your head bent. Sleeping in these positions will ensure that the most sensitive parts of your scalp avoid touching the bed.


Likewise, you should wash your sheets and pillowcases before going to bed. While you sleep, you sweat and this can cause bacteria to grow on your white products. Clean sheets will help protect your scalp from infections.

Avoid Close Wear On The Head

Although it is unlikely that you will feel like wearing a beanie after a hair transplant, it is worth noting that you should avoid any kind of tight wear on the head in the days after the procedure. After about a week, your transplanted follicles will be less sensitive. However, tight hats and hairstyles should be avoided, as they can lead to alopecia.

Eat Your Vitamins

To promote the healing process, eat a balanced diet with lots of colorful fruits and vegetables. Our clinic suggested that you eat a diet rich in probiotics, proteins, vitamins C, D, and A as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat yogurt are good choices.


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