Beard transplant before and after

Some parts of the beard area on the face of men may not grow beards for various reasons. This causes adverse effects for the person as it causes deformity. Beard transplantation is an application that gives a definitive solution in such cases. With this transplantation, the problem is eliminated with the applications made in areas where beard does not grow or where there is sparse beard.

What is Beard Transplant?

For those who wonder what beard transplantation is, we want to talk about the curious details about the subject. Beards, which make a significant difference on people’s faces, are sometimes not at the desired level. Sometimes it is messy even though it has the desired density. As such, the appearance of the people is negatively affected by this situation.

In the beard transplantation process, the hairs taken from the dense parts of the beard of the people are transplanted to the sparse areas. Since the hair follicles of the people are used during the procedure, the result seems quite natural.

Generally, hair follicles located on the cheekbones are used. The hair follicles in that area already disturb people and look bad. For this reason, unnecessary hairs are collected and planted in sparse areas.

Why Beard Transplantation Is Necessary

In men’s appearance, beard is an element that makes an important difference and makes men unhappy with its lack. Beard transplantation has become a hope for those who have sparse or abnormal beard with the development of technology. Aesthetically adding value to people; It may decrease over time due to genetic, hormonal or external factors. With the beard transplantation application, the beards can still be desired and it is ensured that very important differences are created on the face of the person who has the transplantation.

The need for beard transplantation is of course a person’s own choice. However, when it is said that there is no option other than beard transplantation; We will encounter the elimination of recovery by other medical methods.

Beard Rare May Be Caused By Hormonal

There are many reasons that affect beard sparseness and hair quality. Hormonal causes are the most common reason for scarcity of hair in the beard area. Among the reasons affecting hair follicles, genetic factors are as important as hormonal deficiency. The scarcity of testosterone hormone in men is one of the most important reasons for beard thinness.

The corner is that there is no hair growth on the person’s face or body. There are two main causes of angularity: psychological and hormonal. In addition to these, the leathery can also be genetic. Beard transplantation cannot be done because there is no hair follicle in the patient.

Beard Rare May Be Genetic

The absence or scarcity of hair follicles in the beard area is due to genetic reasons. The beard and mustache structure, which begins to develop and mature with adolescence, continues to maintain its unique form in cases where there is no significant hormonal change.

Before Beard Transplantation

There may be a beard sparseness on the human face, and a beard may not grow due to wounds or burns on the face. Such problems lead to beard transplantation application. Beard cultivation starts from the age range of 20 to 22 when hormones are placed. 

Beard transplantation and hair transplantation are different from each other; The reason is the beard differences according to the density from person to person. If there is a loss, the density of the beard in the vicinity is planned and harmonized with the surrounding hair. If the patient is completely beardless, ie the corner, it varies between 1500 and 3000 root transplantation according to the desired density.

After Beard Transplantation

After the procedure is completed, the area where beard transplantation is performed is seen as red due to coagulated blood. With the cleaning performed after 24 or 48 hours, the coagulated beards begin to be seen. Since the body will nourish the transplanted beard roots, blood flow occurs in the planted area.

The age range of men who want to have a beard transplant is generally different. The modern beard transplant procedure is applied to the area where local anesthesia will be applied. Thus, the person receiving treatment does not feel pain during the transplant. The aim of most men in our country to transplant beards is the social pressure on men who do not grow beard, and the trend of bearded men, which has attracted more attention from women and made men one step ahead.

The method similar to hair transplantation is currently performed with a different fee than hair transplantation. The reason is that beard roots are made with a tighter working area than hair follicles.

In fact, this method is referred to as facial hair transplant method; Because the hair transplantation is more like hair rather than a beard. These new beards take on the thick and hardening hair structure over time. Of course, regular and careful shaving strengthens the roots after the beard transplant and provides hardening in the form of a feather.

Who is Beard Transplanted?

The question of who is applied to beard transplantation is quite curious. Whether or not who can benefit from this aesthetic intervention is an important issue. The answer to this question is extremely important for people who have problems and suffer from this issue.

Beard transplantation is started to be applied between the ages of 20 and 22, which is the age range in which hormones are fully established and settled in men. It is not recommended because people younger than this age range may still grow a beard. Apart from the age limit, there are almost no people who are not suitable for beard transplantation. If there is a special situation, this should be shared with the doctor.

Local anesthesia is applied in a different way, especially for people with needle phobia.

Calculating Roots Number

  • 350 to 500 roots for mustache
  • 600 to 700 roots for goatee
  • 300 to 700 roots for cheek beard

Although it can be said that the transplant should be performed, this situation always varies from patient to patient. You can contact us for beard transplant prices.

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