İstanbul Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Definition

Hair transplant; It is the name given to the process of transplanting the hair follicles taken from the hairy areas to the areas where hair loss, called bald, is experienced. Hair loss is among the serious problems of both men and women today. Hair completes a very important aesthetic on people in terms of both their psychological and physical appearance. The dense hair appearance will increase the self-confidence of the people as well as affect their social lives. People who want a younger appearance prefer to have a hair transplant.

Hair loss can occur for many reasons. One of the most prominent and important points of hair loss is known as genetic hair loss. Stress, unhealthy lifestyle, sudden weight loss and unhealthy diets, pregnancy, hormonal changes, serious health problems can be considered among the causes of hair loss. Hair transplantation is applied to people who cannot achieve the appearance they want with treatment and care, or who want to achieve real results in the shortest time with long and laborious processes.

Hair Transplant Definition

The purpose of hair transplantation is to transplant the hairy skin to the area where hair is desired. Anyone who is eligible for hair transplantation can have hair transplantation as they wish. With this transplant, which is preferred by many people today, it is possible to get the desired results in a short time. In the past, grafts were taken from the donor point with the FUT method, which is a painful method, but now, with the FUE method, maximum grafts can be taken in a shorter time without any pain and surgery scar. Many hair transplant techniques have been developed. The transplantation method is preferred according to the wishes and needs of the person and the operation is planned by making a joint decision with the patient.

The Relationship Between Hair and Scalp

The scalp is needed for hair follicles to hold. Capillaries and other internal elements under the scalp provide blood supply under the skin. So this situation is very important for the nutrition of the hair. You can think of the scalp as a soil, and you can think of the areas under the scalp as the subsoil layer where the roots are actually fed. At this point, it is very important for the hair follicles to receive the nutrients they need, and to develop these nutrients in time and in the right amount. If the blood supply decreases, the hair follicle becomes thinner and becomes hair over time and hair loss occurs. At this point, since the importance of the scalp and the veins under it for the hair is very important, treatments that prevent hair loss should be done both before and after hair transplantation without interruption.

Why Is Hair Loss? What Are The Types Of Shedding?

Hair loss can have more than one reason. One of the most important reasons is genetic hair loss. Apart from this, it is possible to briefly list the reasons of hair loss as follows;

  • Experienced stress and troubles
  • Sudden losses and sorrow due to these losses
  • Irregular and unhealthy diet and a related lifestyle
  • Excessive weight gain and loss, unhealthy and irregular diet patterns
  • Harmful diets that are not under the control of a dietician
  • Changes due to hormones that occur during pregnancy
  • Substance use
  • Causes and systematic disorders related to hair growth and growth
  • Medicines used in goiter and thyroid-like diseases
  • Drugs used for disease reasons such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy

Who Can Have Hair Transplantation? Who Cannot Apply?

Hair transplantation is an application that has many criteria like all aesthetic procedures and cannot be applied by everyone. For this reason, people who can have hair transplantation and those who are not suitable for hair transplantation are clearly determined. The patient’s suitability for hair transplantation is determined by the hair transplant doctor, taking into account the controls made before hair transplantation and the patient’s history. If we need to answer the question of who can apply hair transplantation, it would be correct to briefly share it with you in a list. When the results of hair transplantation were compared over the years, some hair transplantation criteria were determined. The following people are suitable for hair transplantation and are predicted to have no problems with transplantation;

  • People who have hair loss due to genetic and hormonal reasons
  • Who have had hair transplantation before but are not satisfied, sparse or not sufficiently intense
  • People who are uncomfortable with the density of the existing hair and have tried many treatment methods but are not satisfied
  • Those who cannot spare time for care and therapies and want a shortcut
  • People who have problems in the scalp due to burns or wounds
  • Who experience hair loss or thinning due to different diseases
  • People who are not pregnant
  • People without heart and chronic diseases

Transplantation with Roots Taken from Body Hair

Body hair is considered as the third option in the hair transplant operation planned for men. If the hair will still be insufficient after the hair of the neck and then the beard area is removed, chest hair is preferred as the best alternative among other options as additional grafts. There are two reasons why body hair is the third choice. The first is that it is as thick and single grafts as in beard roots and has low elongation properties. In other words, the hair follicles obtained from the chest area are not planted in the front line of the person.

Istanbul Hair Transplant

We are one of the companies that do the best hair transplant in Istanbul. Hair transplantation may need different solutions for those who experience all these problems. At this time, planning is made in accordance with the diagnosis of our doctors. For example, if the patient does not have enough hair follicles in the neck area, which is the main donor area, the success of the hair transplant operation will naturally not be high, but correct planning is important to achieve the highest level of success.

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