Fungal Infections and Hair Loss

Fungal infections constitute a very large patient group among skin diseases. Fungal disease is an  infection that usually manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, watering and scaling that settles on keratinized tissues such as hair, skin and nails. It increases especially in summer. If left untreated, other infections can be added to the fungus. It can spread to lymph nodes and cause lymph node inflammation called lymphangitis. It can cause skin and subcutaneous soft tissue infections such as celluloid and erysipelas. If it progresses, the disease called elephant foot can be  seen. 

Fungal infection constitutes a very large patient group among skin diseases. Fungal disease is an infection that usually manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, watering and scaling that settles on keratinized tissues such as hair, skin and nails. It increases especially in summer. 

Fungal Disease Types 

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) usually occurs in the nails in the form of thickening, discoloration, hardening and breakage, and the nail is distorted. Usually tends to retain toenails. Inguinal fungus  (t. Inguinalis), on the other hand, is usually seen on the anterior, upper and inner surfaces of the thigh and has symptoms such as itching, redness and blistering. It occurs on the scalp of the head,  especially in prepubertal children. Generally, dandruff areas with broken hair are seen in the form of fungal accumulation in the hair follicles and inflammation. If not treated in time, it may result in baldness. There are various types. Body fungus (t. Corporis) can be seen in all parts of the body. 

It is in the form of scaly, reddened rings with the edges opened in the middle. Fungi that occur in the genital area have symptoms such as whitish creamy discharge, itching and redness.

Disease; We can cause events such as wetness, pregnancy, maceration. There is often fine dandruff on the surface. Sometimes light brown and sometimes white spots can be seen. It appears as gaps in hair and beard. Although it is common in children, it can also be found in adults. It reveals itself with the opening of the area, slight redness and scaling.

Who gets fungal disease? 

  • Moist feet after showering, swimming and ablution in people who sweat excessively 
  • Always keeping your hands wet due to excessive hand washing, laundry and dishes 
  • Common use of slippers, shoes and socks 
  • In some infectious diseases, especially AIDS 
  • Long-term use of some topical and systemic drugs 
  • Often on the scalp in pre-adolescents 
  • It is seen in pregnancy, diabetics and advanced stages of cancer patients, and in patients with broken body resistance. 

How to recognize a fungal infection in the head? 

People who have healthy hair do not get greasy, dandruff, shedding and wetness. You may see one or more of these in your hair. We want you to know that there is a problem with your scalp.Fungal symptoms in the head are also among the most serious symptoms of one or more of the problems I have mentioned above. Itching, especially in the scalp, is one of the symptoms of fungus on the head directly. 

Fungus on the head, which is easier to treat than other fungal problems, first appears on the scalp.  However, it does not always stay at that point and has a progressive effect on the hair follicle.  Progression of the hair follicle and damage to the roots can cause permanent hair loss in the person.Because while the spills by breaking are corrected by the growth of new hair from the root, damage to the hair follicle means that new hair will no longer be produced. 

Causes excessive dandruff and hair loss? 

Many people then simplify dandruff. They are unaware of the seborrheic dermatitis problem they will encounter after a while. Fungus is also a problem that causes excessive dandruff. Likewise, the problem of excessive dandruff reduces the quality of the hair. This causes shedding.

It is known that stress and traumas such as fungal infections and ringworm, burns or injuries cause  temporary hair loss. 

What are the Causes of Fungal Disease? 

Fungal disease occurs when fungi infect dead keratin cells on the skin surface. What are the reasons why fungi multiply and cause infection? Some of the reasons that can be considered as risk factors are:

  • Obesity 
  • Skin does not dry completely and remains moist after shower or due to sweating 
  • Wearing tight clothes 
  • Wearing clothes with low air permeability and fabrics that increase perspiration 
  • Feet in shoes for a long time during the day 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Using antibiotics 
  • Having diseases that weaken the immune system or using drugs that cause it 
  • Unhealthy and unbalanced diet 
  • Being in contact with an individual or animal with a fungal infection 
  • Using common areas such as pool, shower, bathtub or sharing personal items such as towels, sheets, slippers, shoes that create contamination with others 
  • Not paying enough attention to hygiene, not changing underwear frequently enough 
  • To clean the skin or vaginal area with care products that contain chemicals that are not  suitable for skin health or at inappropriate pH. 

How to Treat Fungal Disease? 

Fungal treatment is done by selecting the physicians specific to the patient.

Antifungal drugs are used to treat fungi in the anus. It is also used in fungal species that occur in various parts of the body.

Antifungal medications can be in the form of topical creams and pomades or oral pills. 

It is also possible for some patients with fungal infections to recur. If resistant infections develop in  this way, long-term antifungal treatments may be required. Personal hygiene is essential to prevent the disease from developing again. It is very important to pay attention to issues such as clothing selection.

Let’s look at the answer to the question of how the fungal disease is transmitted. Contacting a person with a fungal infection is one answer. It is risky to use the common areas used by these people. Fungus is one of the most common diseases of today. Pay attention to your environment and the people you come into contact with.

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