Turkey specializes in hair transplantation and mustache transplantation. It has become a country frequented by patients looking for high quality and reasonable price. In this article, we will talk to you about mustache transplantation. Moustache and beard are quite popular as they contribute to the appearance of men. It has an effect that reflects one’s style. Moustache transplantation is the only solution for people who do not have a mustache or do not have a mustache as a result of accidents such as Burns. 

Moustache transplantation surgery is a method similar to hair transplantation surgery, and transplant hair grows and even shaves like other facial hair. This process can also easily applies to those with sparse mustaches. Moustache transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. Because it makes under anesthesia, it is a painless operation. Compared to hair transplantation, it takes quite a short time. It takes about 2-3 hours. Research for this process shows that Turkey is the best. Doctors themselves can also control the operations performed that they are developing in this area.  

How To Apply The Operation   

First, it decides how much graft to transplant. How the mustache looks after planting designs by the doctor. The donor site determines and the procedure performs.   

  • The required number of grafts is collected separately from the donor site.  
  • The collected hair follicles are left ready for transplantation.  
  • In the mustache place, canals open in the areas where the roots will area.  
  • Grafts are placed in open channels.  
  • At the end of the procedure, the donor area bandages.  

After the operation, redness, itching, or tenderness may occur in the mustache and donor areas. This usually passes within 1 Week. Recovery after planting takes about 10 days. During this time, the hair follicles become crusty and gradually begin to fall out after the first washing process. Shells should not be peeled. Shells need to be shed on their own. About 2 weeks after the procedure, a shock leak occurs. In this case, almost every patient loses the resulting hair follicles. Instead of shedding hair follicles, new ones appear over time. About 6 months after surgery, the transplanted roots begin to stick.  

Who Can Have Mustache Transplantation?  

Moustache transplantation can usually be done on anyone who is healthy after the age of 20. The mustache easily makes on hairless areas and areas with scars and the frequency and structure of whiskers can vary from person to person.  

Stages of the Moustache Transplant Operation  

Consultation: the operation, like all other transplant operations, begins with a doctor’s examination. Two main things notes in this consultation. First, the needs of the recipient places of the fac, and second, the number of grafts that can be had from the donor area (where we get the hair).  

Operation: after this examination, the operation can start. First, each hair follicle gets one by one from the back of the head, among the two ears. These hair grafts transport in the necessary places across the face. As wears with a DHI transplant, this is all done with the help of an implanter pen. At the same time, hairs may take from the neck or bottom, of the chin and if they are wide in the offer, and if the patient is trying to thicken a presenting beard on his face. 

In this part of the process, FUE facial hair transplants can also perform below local anesthesia, though we typically suggest the DHI method. And just like with other routine hair transplants, no vigorous pain experiences during the mustache transplant. So, there will no track or sewing, on the facial place, though there will be scabs that need to recover, just like other operations.   

A Week After A Mustache Operation

The transplanted place will look very natural. The donor area heals within 15 days, after which the patient can have the same natural appearance as before surgery. The risk of any infection is minimal. The recovery time and instructions are the same as normal DHI or FUE hair transplantation procedures. Typically, you should not be exposed to direct sun in the area for 2 months. You should not shave the area for a month. You should not touch intense friction, water pressure, or hot water in the area for a month.

The transplanted hair will fall during the first month or in the following months. So, after six months, patients see the expected result. Depending on the number of transplanted follicles, it will have a natural appearance after 12-18 months.  

Possible Results Of Mustache Transplantation 

 The operation completes in one session, depending on the number of roots to be planted in the initial stage. After the start of the transplantation procedure and the result obtains two weeks later. At the end of the second week, the operation roots will out.This means that the first time of roots, in which the whiskers will grow, takes place. After 8 to 10 weeks, the process completes the addition of hair follicles at the end of 4-6 months.The mustache transplant process can be rarely negative in some exceptional cases. 

The operation completes in one session, depending on the number of roots to plants in the initial stage.After the start of the transplantation procedure, the result obtains two weeks later. At the end of the second week, the transplanted roots are shed.This means that the first process of roots, in which the whiskers will grow, takes place.After 8 to 10 weeks, the process completes the addition of hair follicles at the end of 4-6 months.The mustache transplant process can be rarely negative in some exceptional cases.

So one of these downsides is that transplanted beards do not grow.As a matter of fact, this condition causes the mustache operation patient to happen psychologically stressed and another disadvantage create by mustache is that the roots do not grow up at the desired level at the end of the process, and the empty space remains in the mustache area.In this case, a secondary mustache transplant procedure performs.


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