Can you get a hair transplant with alopecia? Whenever someone mentions the phrase “long plantation,” most people immediately think of Turkey. Many foreigners travel to Turkey specifically for our renowned long hair transplantation clinics.
Turkey has seen a rise in the popularity of hair transplants since the early 1990s. In the 1990s, air was first put to use in a professional setting in Turkey. Before the rest of the world ever heard about it, something had already happened.
So, why is it beneficial to employ this method, exactly? After surgery, there won’t be any telltale scabs or crusts. It will also take less time to recover as the amount of grafts placed will be less. It’s a lengthy and detailed procedure that requires specialized knowledge and skills, though. You should use caution while selecting a physician so as to avoid unintended consequences.
Why Can You Get A Hair Transplant With Alopecia?
The widespread adoption and use of hair transplantation since 2010 was a major source of friction. The most crucial was the requirement that recipients of short hair transplants first have their lengthy hair trimmed. People who had been bald for a long time and suddenly had to go out in public with no hair often had nightmares about what people would think of them. The number of persons opting to have hair transplants has dropped significantly as a result. Changes have occurred as a result of the increased efficacy of the FUE technique and the long hair transplantation procedure in 2015. The FUE technique allows lengthy hair transplants to be performed without first shaving the recipient area.
When these follicular units are extracted, the hair is snipped off close to the scalp. After that, grafts are implanted individually into bald or thinning areas of the scalp. Shock loss, or temporary hair loss, can occur in the weeks after treatment, just as it did after earlier hair transplant surgeries.
Long Hair FUE Hair Transplant
Like other hair transplant techniques, FUE can be used to transplant lengthy hair. The long hair transplant technique is similar to other transplant techniques except that the donor hair is not clipped or scraped before the transplant. People whose hair is thinning have a great opportunity to get several benefits from the long hair transplanting process.
In our country, if you want to use this treatment, you should be very selective in the physician you visit. It differs from standard hair transplant procedures and involves more processes, therefore the results should be more trustworthy, experienced, and well-informed. Considering the difficulty of employing this technique, it is best to do so as part of a larger procedure in which more focused improvements are made to the quality of decision-making.
Where To Get Grafts For Hair Transplant?
The “horn region” refers to the intersection of the right and left sides of the forehead. Balding and hair thinning are common issues among the local population. These areas, sometimes referred to as a man’s “top,” are the first to thinning. This is why those who are balding in the back and sides choose to lengthy hair transplantation.
A thinned region is marked with a special pen so that it can be relocated later. Fifty graft roots, planted at the size of a finger’s thumb, are possible. Following the illustration, anything from 500 to 1000 non-shedding grafts are extracted from the coded hair follicles.
Once the necessary transplants have been performed, the patient can get back to living normally. If you have a concealing scar, no one will ever suspect that you’ve had follicular grafting. That is not a fabrication. A hair transplant using the lengthy method is more laborious and time-consuming than other follicle grafting techniques. As a result, it costs a little bit more than alternative methods.
Why Should You Get Hair Transplant?
You should not feel compelled to have a buzz cut. The unattractive mental image of a head covered with red scratches is eliminated after a transplant. Immediately adapt to the needs of your social circle with minimal effort. Indeed, these are the positives. Of course, listing the reasons with one item wouldn’t be fair to other things in life. Consequently, many people nowadays juggle professional and personal commitments. Some people may lack the confidence to get their hair cut short for the first time. It’s clear that one of them is wrong here. Hairstyles that are out of the ordinary often elicit comments from others around the wearer. Today, thanks to long hair transplantation, those concerns are a thing of the past.
Hair transplantation is not something to be avoided, but those considering it should be aware of a few problems. As is the case with regular hair transplants, long transplanted hair begins to fall out by the fourth week mark. This means that by the fourth week, you can’t tell the difference between someone who’s had a typical hair transplant and someone who just has long hair. In addition, from a technical standpoint, it needs more effort and care than a standard hair transplant.
Because of this, hair transplantation takes longer and fewer grafts can be transplanted in a single session.
Hair Transplant With Alopecia Methods
This technique is chosen by those who don’t want others to know they’ve had a hair transplant. They include renowned actors, musicians, politicians, and business moguls. Indeed, anyone can request to have long hair transplantation done.
If you’re thinking about getting a hair implant in Turkey, you might be wondering what steps you need to take. As a first step, you’ll initiate a study procedure. Communication with them will typically take place through a web-based medium. Fortunately, a quick Google search can help in this case. After that, it is addressed verbally. An initial consultation is the first step in hair transplant surgery in the majority of patients.
The ability to use a specific method determines the final cost of a long hair transplant. Both FUE and DHI are applicable in this procedure. Transplanting long hair is a delicate procedure that requires a surgeon’s full attention. It is recommended that this technique be carried out by a group of knowledgeable individuals. This is why the cost of a long hair implant is double or triple that of a shorter one. To inquire about pricing, please send us a letter.