People of African and Caribbean descent are referred to as “Afro” in this context. This ethnic group may differ from others in terms of physical appearance, hair texture, and skin structure. Many African Americans who are losing their hair do not think they are good candidates for a hair transplant because of the special characteristics of their hair. Yet because to advancements at African American Hair Transplant NYC, they now have hope. This urban myth has been around for a while. Actually, the curly texture of black hair gives African American hair transplant patients a surgical advantage: while the “curl” creates the appearance of enhanced density, less actual hair grafts are needed to produce the desired results.
Three categories of hair kinds are separated based on race. Asian, Afro, and Caucasian hair types all have unique qualities. People with Afro ancestry frequently have curly or wavy hair. Afro people typically have 50,000–100,000 hair strands, while individual differences exist. It is also the slowest hair model, with a monthly growth rate of 0.9 cm.
Hair loss in African Americans is primarily caused by the same inherited factors as other ethnic groups, with the exception of cases when it is brought on by excessive or prolonged hairstyles, such as weaves and braids. These can lead to traction alopecia, but the good news is that African American patients seem to experience it the most frequently, according to our surgeons. Extra care is taken to prevent keloid scarring, which is difficult on darker skin and is harvested and dissected individually for black hair restoration. It’s conceivable that additional skin exams will be required to ascertain how well your skin heals.
African American Hair Transplant NYC Reviews
Caucasian hair is referred to as having European hair type. Caucasian hair can grow up to 1.2 cm each month, whether it is straight or curly. The most dense hair is found in Caucasian hairstyles. Redheads have 80,000 hairs, brunettes 100,000, and blondes 140,000. Asian hair is the most common and can grow up to 140,000 hairs per person, depending on the individual. It has a straight, coarsely stranded appearance and can grow up to 1.3 cm per month.
On the other hand, these difficulties can be overcame by qualified and experienced hair transplant specialists. The first of these difficulties is the tricky nature of graft extraction from the donor location. These folks cannot undergo unshaved hair transplants since it would be problematic. As the twisting structure of curly hair begins at the hair root, it may be challenging to take grafts without damaging nearby roots when using a micromotor to remove the roots. Moreover, proficiency is needed to remove the transplant without damaging the follicular structure of the graft.
As a result, certain specialists might choose the FUE technique over the conventional FUE. FUT might spread more widely in the future. Due to the skin type of afro people, the scar created by graft removal during the FUT procedure may cause more scar tissue to emerge.
The challenge of planting Afro hair at the proper angle on the scalp is another problem. Finding the ideal angle will be difficult because the hair’s curl approaches the root. Additionally, additional pressure may be needed during planting depending on the makeup of the epidermal tissue. Many implementation difficulties consequently arise.
What Leads To Hair Loss In African Americans?
Many factors can contribute to hair loss. In certain cases, androgenic factors are to blame, while in others, the physical and chemical treatments that are frequently applied to the hair lead to irreversible hair follicle loss. As a result of withdrawals brought on by the hairstyle practices we described in the Afro hair type section, hair follicles are damaged and lost. Deficits in vitamins and minerals, as well as DHT sensitivity, can also result in hair loss.
How Can African Americans Select The Best Surgeon For Hair Implants?
Afro-haired people have both androgenic hair loss and localized hair loss as a result of hairstyle choices. Although the curly hair structure initially conceals the extent of the losses, it ultimately results in a bigger treatment area. The roots of the Afro hair folds are in the dermis layer, which is below the epidermis (top layer of skin), and they spread out to form the curly hair structure. Two or three roots at most can be found in a single follicle. Due to its curly structure, Afro hair is typically styled with chemical hair straighteners and tight braids.
Nonetheless, all of these problems could be resolved by qualified and experienced hands. For Afro people, as it is in other situations, the quantity of grafts plays a critical role in determining the severity of hair loss. Transplantation can start if there are enough grafts available. Supply of grafts, site preparation, and planting technique are all carried out in the same manner as before. For this hair type, the DHI pen approach might not be the ideal option. Sapphire FUE might be a better option for precisely angling graft placement.
As previously said, the treatments could take a little longer because of issues like placing the hair at the best angle. It is crucial to wait longer before assessing the procedure’s results because Afro hair develops more slowly than other hair types. Despite these challenges, our clinic’s trained hair transplant surgeons can rapidly and painlessly accomplish Afro-type hair transplantation.