If you are suffering from hair problems such as shedding or hair loss, you are not the only one. Both men and women can encounter these issues regardless of age. The reasons behind these problems differ from one person to another. The same rules apply if you are suffering from diffuse thinning.
Many people who are suffering from the diffuse thinning problem are trying different solutions for preventing or reducing the thinning. A correct diagnosis of the cause and the type of diffuse thinning is very important for finding the most effective remedy for it.
Hair transplant operation is a surgical operation that yields permanent results. It allows your natural hair to grow in the transplanted area. So, if you are suffering from diffuse thinning, you may consider this as the most efficient way of having your healthy, dense hair again.
What is diffuse thinning?
Diffuse thinning is a condition where your hair starts to shed or thin. It may sound similar to normal hair loss, but there are some differences. The main difference is that the diffuse thinning occurs all around your scalp. Whereas the male pattern balding affects only some certain areas such as the hairlines and the top parts of the head.
We lose around 50 – 100 hair strands every day and this is a normal process. New hair strands regularly grow and replace the lost ones. But the diffuse thinning condition ceases the growth of any new hair follicles. And this makes it harder for the new hair to replace the ones that you have lost. The result is an unhealthy looking hair.
Sometimes this situation is temporary, and it gets better in a couple of months if you give it some time to recover. But sometimes it is permanent, and it is not going to get back to normal unless you consult a doctor and start treatment.
Can people with diffuse thinning have a hair transplant?
There are two different types of diffuse thinning. The first one is the diffuse patterned alopecia. This type causes you to experience diffuse loss of all the hair on the top. It is related to genetic hair loss. People who suffer from this type of diffuse thinning are suitable for the hair transplant procedure. And choosing this solution is the only permanent and truly effective way for eliminating the bad looks of diffuse thinning hair.
However, the second type of the diffuse thinning called the diffuse unpatterned alopecia is harder to treat with the hair transplant operation. This type of alopecia may occur on any area on your scalp. You can encounter it on your neck or the top of your head. And the pattern is unclear in this type of diffuse thinning. Therefore it is hard to know where it will occur. The thinning area may appear in another place after some time.
Even if the healthy hair follicles from the donor area are transplanted into the thinning area, they will still be affected by the diffuse unpatterned alopecia. It means that these newly transplanted hair follicles will not be able to grow efficiently either.