Many people wish for a stronger, more robust hair, particularly as they grow older.
Our hair grows about 1.25 centimetres every month. This makes 15 centimetres a year. Of course, there are certain factors influencing this growth, such as the following:
- Overall health
- Age
- Eating habits
- Genetics
All the factors listed above have a say in your hair health.
While it is true that you cannot change some of these factors, like your genetics and age, you can make alterations on other things on the list to your favour. You can put in some work on your diet to improve the health of your hair. Some people unknowingly have an eating habit that does not provide them with the necessary nutrients, which may lead to hair loss. Making adjustments on your diet to improve nutrition can manifest an increase in hair health and hair growth speed.
Foods That Help Hair Growth
We compiled a list below of some nutrient-rich foods to give you some ideas about making the necessary adjustments.
Eggs contain a good supply of protein, amino acids, and biotin. Biotin is a vitamin that helps synthesise keratin, which is a main component of the hair. A deficiency of one of these may cause hair loss.
Spinach contains loads of vitamin A and C, iron, and folate. Vitamin A is vital in producing sebum—an oily substance that keeps the scalp skin healthy.
Fish with High-Fat Content
Certain fish types—such as mackerel, herring, or salmon—contain an excellent amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Among its many health benefits, omega-3 also helps with hair growth.
Fish is also a pretty good source of selenium, protein, vitamin D3, and vitamins of group B.
Sweet Potato
Our body can convert beta carotene into vitamin A. As we mentioned earlier, vitamin A helps with hair growth. A mid sized sweet potato has four times the necessary amount of beta carotene to meet the vitamin A needs of our body. Also, vitamin A helps with sebum protection, which also helps hair grow more healthily.
Avocados contain a good supply of vitamin E. A mid sized avocado can give you 20 per cent of your daily vitamin E needs. Much like vitamin C, vitamin E also has antioxidant properties, so it also combats free radicals.
Avocados also contain a good deal of essential fatty acids. Our body cannot produce this kind of fatty acids, yet our body still needs them to function properly. Not having enough fatty acids also contributes to hair loss.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts contain many nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc, and some essential fatty acids. They all contribute to hair growth.
Just like nuts, seeds also have lots of vitamin E and other nutrients. Some kinds of seeds even contain omega-3 too. Though our body doesn’t utilise this form of omega-3 as efficient as omega-3 from fatty fish, seeds may still be a good supplement in that area.