Seasonal Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common phenomenon for both men and women. It can be caused by various factors like stress, genetics, cosmetic products, malnutrition, etc. However, there is one thing that generally never comes to mind: seasonal hair loss.

Seasonal hair loss occurs during seasonal changes. During the transitions from winter to spring or summer to autumn, or any seasonal transition, our physical and psychological health undergo some changes too, as does nature. The hair shedding is a reaction to alteration in our bodies.

During these periods, our hair quickly renews itself by the new hairs replacing the old ones. Expired hair starts shedding, and new ones commence growing. This renewing is more rapid in season transitions; that’s why the aged hair separates from the follicles. This cycle is a natural process that helps our hair grow stronger and healthier. 

According to researchers, an average of 150 strands of hair loss per day is normal, but this number varies from person to person. Normally, if our hair starts to shed two to three times in one day, and this situation continues for a month, we may accept it as hair loss.

How to Deal with Seasonal Hair Loss

If you are having a seasonal hair loss problem, there are many possible solutions. Please be reminded that every individual is unique, and these treatments can vary from person to person. Also please be sure to consult your dermatologist to ensure that your hair loss problem is caused by seasonal changes.

To minimise seasonal hair loss, you can start by doing the following:

  1. Change your diet. It does not only strengthen your hair but also refreshes your skin and makes you healthier. Fruits, vegetables, and oils are rich vitamin sources; you can add them to your diet list. Quit smoking if you can. Smoking causes a shortage of oxygen supply in hair bulbs and thus is quite harmful to your hair.
  2. Protect your hair from the sun in the summer. It is true that sunbeams boost vitamin D, which is very effective in preventing hair loss. However, by being under the sun directly, we also absorb UV radiation. This radiation type damages our hair and causes significant hair loss.
  3. Use oil treatments. Certain essential oils give substantial results in preventing seasonal hair loss. If the sun-damaged hair dries up, you should apply oil to the sun-damaged areas. Coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil are quite beneficial and alimentative for hair. 
  4. Get a haircut. Even though it sounds like a bad idea, getting your hair cut reduces the number of shedding hair.  
  5. Change your hair-care products. Most of us probably use chemical-based shampoos. Although shampoo companies introduce their products as natural, they actually contain many harmful chemicals that weaken hair. So try to find natural ones. 

These are simple tricks to relieve seasonal hair loss. If the problem continues, do not hesitate to see your dermatologist. Any ignored problem may cause bigger ones in the future. Next thing you know, you start to lose all hair and have to start searching for treatments to gain back your lost hair. You can avoid that scenario by following the suggestions we mentioned above.

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