Can You Have a Hair Transplant on a Scar? 

We do not want to remember an accident or any form of wounds we have in our body. These scars, which make us feel uncomfortable, affect us both psychologically and socially if they are in the head area. The only way to make them invisible is to camouflage them with hair. In such cases, the most definite and permanent solution is to transplant hair to these areas. Not only accidents but also some diseases cause wounding and hair loss in certain regions.

Burns, wounds, and scars can be camouflaged by performing hair transplant operations. Possible problems that can be concealed by hair transplant can be listed as follows:

  • Scars on the head
  • Suture or stitch marks
  • Burns
  • Cut traces
  • Traumas

The degree of impact is significant in these operations. Therefore, the main criterion of success is the degree of burnt or scar and the rate of blood supply to the wounded tissue. The chance of success in first- and second-degree burns is much higher than in a third-degree burn in this sense. 

The Method for This Application

The techniques for hair transplant over the scar are usually the FUE and the DHI method. We can define this procedure as collecting hair follicles from the nape and transplanting it to the target area. Before the procedure, your doctor must perform a circulatory test in the area where the hair will be transplanted. This process takes about two to three hours. With this simple operation, you will get good results and get rid of the uncomfortable image.

Although hair transplantation on burns and scars can be challenging for both the patient and the doctor, many successful results are possible with the FUE and DHI method.

Today, FUE or DHI methods are suitable techniques for concealing wound, burn, suture, or surgical scars.

 In the case of hair transplant on the scar, we recommend you use medical applications such as hair mesotherapy or cell regeneration to provide nutrition. 

Aspects that Affect the Success Rate of the Transplant

Your doctor decides whether hair transplant will be successful or not. As can be understood here, unfortunately, not all burns and wound scars can be concealed by hair transplantation. The region to be operated for a hair transplant must meet specific criteria. A doctor’s examination is essential to make sure that hair transplant can cover the scars.

There are particular prerequisites for successful hair transplantation on wounds, burns, sutures, or scars:

  1. Healthy Blood Circulation

Hair follicles that are fed through capillaries and blood circulation in the transplant area should be healthy. In that sense, slow blood circulation causes the cells not to get the oxygen and nutrients they need.

  1. Soft Skin Tissue

In burns and scars, the skin may thicken and harden due to the damage it has suffered. This hardening and thickening can be an obstacle to a hair transplant.

  1. Lack of Thin Tissue

The fact that the skin is very thin in the target area is a condition that prevents hair transplant as microinstruments can damage the delicate scalp while collecting and transplanting the roots.

  1. Wound Scar on Head

The wound must be completely healed for hair transplant.

Remember, unfortunately, if the tissue under the skin is entirely dead, regrowth of the hair follicles is not possible here. On the other hand, when transplanting on a wounded tissue, high density is better for small scars, and lower density is better for large scars.

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