Shedding hair is a normal process. When you comb your hair or take a shower, it’s inevitable that some hair may fall out. It’s a normal regulatory process that our body has to go through on a daily basis. But if the amount of hair fall is more than usual, that should initially be considered as a red flag for hair loss. Hair loss and hair shedding are two words that are loosely perceived by most people as an identical condition.
How to Tell That It’s Just Hair Shedding and Not Hair Loss
According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, our body normally sheds fifty to one hundred strands of hair daily. Losing such a large amount of hair is barely noticeable. But if there are obvious signs that you are shedding more hair than that, it’s about time you go see a doctor and consider undergoing a hair transplant. Among the signs to watch out for are bald patches and evident concentration of fallen hair. Possible culprits for uncontrolled hair shedding are the following:
- Thyroid disease
- Protein deficiency
- Secondary syphilis
- Chemotherapy
- Multivitamins deficiencies
- High levels of stress experienced by the individual
- Postpartum stress
It’s a good idea to visit the doctor during the early stages of excessive hair shedding. Doing so would help prevent debilitating effects on your health and self-esteem.
Hair Shedding Is Temporary
Once the cause of hair shedding is addressed or resolved, the hair will normally grow back to its normal concentration or volume. As for those who have just given birth, it would usually take the mother nine months at most to recover the normal fullness of her hair.
Hair Loss Defined
Hair loss, known medically as anagen effluvium, happens when hair follicles in a specific area stop reproducing. In layman’s terms, this is known as going bald. Possible causes of balding are the following:
- Testosterone spike among genetically prone follicles, also known as androgenic alopecia
- Chemicals from hair-care products
- Radiation therapy directed to the head producing adverse effects to your scalp
- Side effects of some medication for arthritis, gout, cancer, depression, and hypertension
- Hair treatment that could permanently damage the scalp like hot oil treatment (scarring from such treatment could permanently disrupt hair growth)
- Smoking
As mentioned above, hair loss is preventable in most cases. It’s a matter of determining what could possibly cause the impending hair loss. Our experts would gladly discuss with you factors arising from your lifestyle that could contribute to hair loss. Once the causative agent is arrested, the chance of hair loss is minimal. Hair follicles would eventually develop and restore the normal volume of hair in the affected area.
How Can I Alleviate the Effects of Hair Loss?
There are cases where you can’t stop balding (especially genetically acquired male/female pattern balding) from progressing. But you can delay its onset. There are several options you can consider for your hair loss problem.
- Quit smoking. Smoking harms not only your cardiovascular system but also the rest of your body. And that includes your hair. Research has shown that there’s a correlation between smoking and hair loss.
- Massage minoxidil onto your scalp twice a day. It would take time before you can see results. You need to apply it on a regular basis to sustain results continuously.
- A hair transplant is ideal if you want long-term or permanent results. Feel free to consult with our experienced and highly skilled doctors on how to proceed with this.
- Schedule a checkup with your doctor. There are other medical conditions that could ultimately result in hair loss. A regular visit to a physician could lessen the likelihood of getting these diseases that could aggravate your hair loss problem.
- A regular massage on the scalp yields amazing results if done regularly. The massage stimulates the hair follicles, hence encouraging hair growth.
Aside from the tips mentioned above, a positive outlook about hair loss and unwanted balding is beneficial to the individual suffering from it. Hair loss is never a welcome condition. But you don’t have to sulk over it. Realistically, a hair transplant would be your best option from this point. Our doctors and surgeons have years of experience and proven track record of professional work. Discuss with them your hair loss problem, and they’ll do the rest from there.