Is There a Way to Stop Hair Loss?

As you get older, you notice more and more hair on your hairbrush, even a few balding spots on your scalp. And then you start to panic. Well, you are not alone. Almost half of the population is getting bald day by day due to different reasons.

The common reasons for hair loss may be the following: 

  • hormonal abnormalities
  • a disease called alopecia areata
  • stress
  • wrong steps that people apply on their daily routine

However, there are as many, if not more, solutions as there are reasons.

Whether you’ve already lost your hair or you want to know what to do before you lose it, you are in the right place.

Things to Do to Prevent Hair Loss

There are a number of things to do in order to protect your hair and avoid hair loss. In this sense, we gathered top five things for you to prevent hair loss. The list is the following:

  1. Do not wash your hair frequently. Your scalp produces its own oil (sebum), and that is for a reason. Your hair really needs sebum to grow. If you wash your hair every day, you will dry your scalp and disrupt your natural hair growth cycle.
  2. Avoid straighteners and curling irons as much as possible. They cause split ends on your hair, and at last, the hair will start to fall out.
  3. Try applying natural oils on your hair once a week. Avocado oil and coconut oil are all-natural and will provide the moisture that your hair needs.
  4. Stop using a towel on your hair. That’s right, the towel’s rough feature also harms your hair since your hair is most vulnerable when it is wet. 
  5. Do not trust box dye. Always seek a professional if you want to change your hair colour.

If you are sure about following the right steps on your daily hair-care routine but are still losing hair, it may be the right time for you to seek help from a professional. You may consider consulting a doctor to find out the reason for your hair loss. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our expert doctors.

List of Advice to Stop Hair Loss

  1. The first thing you should do is to watch what you eat. Your diet has a major impact on your hair growth. Lack of nutrients may cause thinning hair. You should be taking every single nutrient daily in order to keep your hair healthy. 
  2. Avoid tight hairstyles, such as buns and ponytails, since they will damage your hair follicles. Also, do not sleep while your hair is tied up, even if it is loose.
  3. You should manage your stress levels. Stress can cause numerous diseases that bring on hair loss, such as telogen effluvium and alopecia areata.
  4. We all know that smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy habits. The thing is, they are also extremely unhealthy for your hair.  You should limit your alcohol intake and stop smoking.
  5. You may try exercising regularly since it lowers stress levels and promotes blood circulation.

If you are out of things that you can do by yourself, consult a professional to go under a surgical operation such as hair transplant. The hair transplant procedure is the best option for permanently lost hair. It is also safe, quick, and gives you very satisfying results. 

At Gold City Hair, we have a roster of specialists for this procedure. If you feel that a hair transplant is the best option for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. 


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