Can Science Predict Male Hair Loss Patterns? 

When it comes to hair loss, we can count thousands of independent causes. If you have noticed shedding in your hair, you probably have done a lot of research and are familiar with treatments and the reasons. The most common of these is the type of hair loss that progresses with the disease called alopecia areata, which we call male pattern hair loss. 

Male pattern hair loss is quite common. So, scientists are looking for a new solution every day. Before we look for any new treatments, can we predict male pattern hair loss?

What is Male Pattern Hair Loss? 

Depending on the genetic structure and androgens, male pattern baldness is the condition that occurs usually in the 20s and 30s after the post-pubertal period. If you are experiencing male pattern hair loss, your hairline, forehead and the crown area of your head probably becomes thinner day by day. It affects 80% of men and 50% of women over the world. Male pattern hair loss is not considered a disease but is considered a characteristic feature of men. As it can cover the entire head, it usually does not affect the sides and the back of your scalp.

How Predictable Are Male Hair Loss Patterns?

According to a study at the University of Edinburgh, there are exactly one hundred and eighty-seven genes that may cause hair loss. With this study, researchers say they can look at your genes and estimate your risk of losing your hair. Of course, it is not very easy to predict the risk of hair loss. For now, it is quite difficult to find out if you have the risk of hair loss with a simple test such as a blood test.

The researchers studied the genes of over 52,000 male patients for this study. 16,700 of these subjects were men without baldness, and 12 thousand were men suffering from light hair loss. Scientists then included 23 thousand more men, 9 thousand eight hundred of whom suffered from severe hair loss, and 14 thousand of them with moderate hair loss. As a result of the studies, the researchers revealed that they could predict the risk of hair loss by looking at the genetic sequence. Men with hair loss genes below average do not even under the risk of hair loss. Nevertheless, according to the results of this study, we will be able to identify male groups with the highest risk of hair loss. Moreover, we might develop anti-hair loss treatments specified in male types.

Although all these developments bring us closer to estimate the risk of hair loss, it is still too early. As with all diseases, hair loss is also individual. This means that factors vary from patient to patient. Although we are not at the prevention stage yet, if you are experiencing male pattern hair loss, you can try hair transplantation, which is a permanent and easy solution to this problem.

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