Many factors are affecting the frequency and hair quality of the beard. Hormonal causes are at the top of this list. The lack of hormones that will develop and intensify the hair follicle is usually due to the genetic causes. In cases where male testosterone is below average, beard and moustache deficiency and loss may occur. Apart from this, scars and burns that may occur for various reasons may cause loss of beard by damaging the hair follicles regionally.
The hair structure that develops and forms within 3-4 years after puberty retains its characteristic structure unless there is a significant hormonal change. Diseases such as skin diseases, alopecia and autoimmune problems can also cause beard loss. However, it is possible to treat beard loss with a beard transplant. It is the best option to regain a healthy beard in a healthy way.
Beard Transplant Process
It is a good option to form a new beard or give an aesthetic appearance to the current one. Beard that begins to become prominent during adolescence may change over time depending on genetic factors. Beard transplant can eliminate beard loss due to genetic problems. Furthermore, beard loss due to some skin diseases, traumatic injuries and burns can be treated by beard transplant.
Hair follicles taken from the nape part of the donor region are placed in the transplant area with the Fue technique. The calculation and planning of the frequency of beard around the target area are essential for a successful operation. In this way, it is possible to achieve harmony around the face with the most natural and aesthetic results. On beard transplants, approximately 1000-3000 grafts are enough to give a dense appearance. You can see the results after 8 to 10 weeks. Others cannot notice the difference between the original beard and transplanted one.
Moustache Transplant Process
We use FUE and DHI techniques for the moustache transplant. Hair follicles taken from the nape part, which is the most productive donor region, are placed in areas where there is a rare or complete loss. After the moustache transplant, which is an ideal treatment method to give density to the moustache, there is no trace in the donor or transplant area. The number of grafts should be determined with a consensus between the patient and the surgeon. The procedure reaches the result after 8-10 weeks.
Who can have a Beard Transplant?
Before deciding on the beard transplant, it is essential to determine the reason for beard loss s. We recommend that the patient should pass the adolescence period and complete the beard formation. It is important to investigate hormonal and metabolic diseases before the operation. It is necessary to detect the cause of the loss, which can be heart disease, diabetes, hepatitis B and some similar diseases. Beard transplantation is possible in cases where hair follicles are insufficient, or there is no beard.