Are You A Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Some women spend significant amounts of money and time into obtaining larger breasts through surgery. Some others have difficulty putting up with their large breasts and actively seek to make them smaller and more manageable. 

Women that have naturally larger breasts cite their unwieldy nature as their reason for wanting to reduce them. A disproportionate ratio of breast-to-body size can affect self-perception besides limiting movement. Women that experienced extreme weight loss are particularly keen on getting rid of the stretch out, loose skin remaining.

Breast reduction procedures offer the way of finally cutting those large breasts down to size.

Candidates for Breast Reduction

The ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are women:

  • with difficulty fitting clothed due to large breasts,
  • that underwent extreme weight losses,
  • with chronic back pain due to their large breasts,
  • that want to move more freely,
  • that are suffering from recurring rashes under saggy breasts.

The surgery can proceed at any time after the breasts fully develop.

Who Is A Bad Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Despite being a straightforward procedure, breast reduction surgery is not for every woman. Those who are not a good candidate for breast reduction are as follows:

  • Women with a high body max index: Otherwise known as obese women. They must lose the excess of weight prior to undergoing it to avoid complications.
  • Women who smoke: Women who are regular smokers will have to quit a month in advance before the surgery and during recovery time. Smoking significantly reduces the body healing process, hindering the ability to recover.
  • Women who have diabetes: Even if they have a healthy weight, they are not good candidates for breast reduction. Diabetes patients are more prone to infections, have a hard time healing and managing sugar levels after surgery.
  • Women who have abnormal mammograms: They can be a sign of an undiagnosed breast condition.

Any woman with any of the aforementioned conditions is badly prepared for a successful surgery and should reconsider the operation. However, every individual case has its own circumstances. That’s why for your case, you can get in touch with our experts and learn more about your situation and how suitable are you for this operation.

Breast Reduction Procedure

The operation is performed under general anaesthesia. The precise technique employed varies depending on the overall shape and placement of your breasts.

In all its variants the procedure involves initial incisions circling the areola and going to the breasts’ undersides. From it, the excision of excessive breast tissue, and likewise the excessive skin. The fat around the area gets suctioned as well through liposuction.

Once done removing, the surgeon will proceed to manipulate the remainings of the breast. They will reshape it and relocated the nipples and areolas, for the latter, cutting and reattaching them if needed.

Breasts could be naturally asymmetrical, with one being larger than the other. The reshaping of the surgeon might help even them out quite a bit, but they will still be overall different sizes.

After setting the nipples on their new place, the surgeon sutures the incisions together, forming the new, smaller breast.


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