Breast Lift vs Breast Augmentation vs Breast Implants—What’s the Difference?

Many women complain about the changes in the shape, size, and volume about their breasts. These changes may be due to ageing, sudden weight loss, or pregnancy and may damage their self-confidence significantly. They can even lead to dramatic changes in their wardrobe.

So yes, we understand that these changes can make you feel bad about yourself. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is important, and fortunately, there are a few options that can help you with that.

Breast lifts, breast augmentations, and breast implants are procedures that can give back the youthful appearance to your breasts. Each of these procedures addresses a different issue, so it is essential to know what they are before deciding on what you need.

Breast Lift Procedures

Breast lifts are procedures that involve repositioning of your breast tissues. These procedures can help you get rid of any sagging or drooping you may have. Breast lifts do not address the size and shape of your breasts. So they are a rather good option if you are already satisfied with the shape or size of your breasts and only want to address their position.

Breast Augmentation Procedures

Breast augmentation procedures are for addressing the size of your breasts. Surgeons achieve this by using implants, which are usually made from saline or silicone gels. Breast augmentations can significantly change the size of your breasts and increase your cup size. However, breast augmentations do not address the position of your breasts as breast lifts do. That is why some women prefer to combine these two procedures to get what they want.

Breast Implants

Breast implants and breast augmentations basically refer to the same procedures. Breast implants are the products that the surgeons use to increase the size of the patient’s breasts in breast augmentation procedures. That is why some people choose to call these operations breast implants.

Which One Is the Best?

Well, as we have explained above, each of these two procedures addresses various issues regarding the patient’s breasts. Which one you need is entirely depending on your needs and desires.

If you wish to increase the size of your breasts and address their sagging as well, then getting both of these procedures combined will help you achieve what you want.

Considering an Operation?

These operations are somewhat “artistic” in a sense. Each procedure requires a skilled and experienced surgeon that can generate a clear and realistic vision for that case in particular. Our board-certified surgeons can help you achieve your wants and needs. Having performed countless of these operations, our surgeons will be able to identify what you want and how to achieve it in your first consultation. So don’t wait. Feel free to contact us for more information.


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