A bad hair transplant can affect your social, personal, and professional life. Besides its success stories, bad hair transplants do disappoint many people. Sometimes it gets them depressed. It seems like a waste of money and time. However, there are several techniques nowadays that can fix it. However, as the patient is already angry, the surgeon repairing the bad transplant comes across a great challenge.
Fixing a bad hair transplant requires a lot of hard work by the surgeon and centre. They must establish trust in the patient. The surgeon should win the patient’s confidence by showing him his previous surgical records. A hair transplant has never become easier nowadays.
On the other hand, fixing a bad one requires a lot of creativity and technique. Therefore, many surgeons do not accept such cases easily because the patient’s scalp has become more delicate from the previous procedure.
Problems with Bad Hair Transplant:
Amongst the techniques of hair transplant, FUE and DHI are more popular. But it’s on the patients which method they prefer. FUE leaves no scars and heals in a short time. The problems with bad hair transplants are different.
- Sometimes grafts are too large
- Hairline much too broad
- Forward hairline
- Scarring in the donor/recipient area
- Hair implanted in the wrong angle
- Hair wastage
- Folding
All these problems are interrelated. Patients who need repair work often need multiple corrections. Therefore, it becomes critical for the surgeon who is repairing it.
Repairing Strategies
There are some basic strategies for fixing a hair transplant gone wrong; either is used in conjunction with another.
- Camouflage
- Micro-Excisional Graft Removal
- FUE and Camouflaging Scars
These are the primary options to fix a wrong hair transplant. Complete hair transplant is also suitable for fixing a hair transplant gone wrong.
It is the primary means to correct the appearance of poorly done transplantation. The surgeon uses the remaining grafts to provide the bulk to transplant. Moreover, the surgeon uses small follicular units to give a more natural appearance. Because it’s the simplest of restoration techniques, it is common. Other fixing techniques require extra procedures. However, the surgeon uses excision and reimplantation techniques in addition. Those two alone are incapable of producing satisfactory results. Punch excision, linear excision, electrolysis, angling are some of the techniques which a surgeon uses in conjunction with one another.
Micro-Excisional Graft Removal
It’s also an effective way to correct the appearance. Besides other techniques, it also involves the technique of redistribution of the follicular units. The surgeon uses it to remove, divide, and redistribute the dislocated grafts. However, the surgeon needs to be extremely careful as it can destroy the follicular units. However, it does not require any additional hair removal from the donor area because the surgeon uses previous grafts to give a more natural look to the hair.
FUE and Camouflaging Scars
Some patients experience a wide range of scars. Therefore, they can’t have a short haircut. Here the surgeon uses FUE to reduce the visibility scars. The surgeon implants more donor hair follicles in the scar area to hide them. In addition, it also gives volume to the hair.
In short, a bad hair transplant is entirely fixable. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about it. Just contact us and consult with our experts.