Can a Totally Bald Person Have a Hair Transplant?

Nowadays, hair is equally important for men and women. Hair just doesn’t add beauty to your personality, but it also protects you from many things such as UV rays. Otherwise, our scalp, which is a delicate part, can suffer from anything like this.

Normally, people have 80,000 to 120,000 hairs on their head. However, this number is not permanent. It keeps changing over time. The weak hair keeps falling, but if you are young and healthy, they regrow. But sometimes people keep losing hair due to various reasons. As a result, they experience hair thinning or baldness in some extreme cases. Still, there is nothing to worry about. Due to advanced technology, you can restore your hair. A hair transplant is a good option for restoring the hair in thin hair areas.

What is a hair transplant?

In this technique, a surgeon extract hair from one part of your body (mostly from the back of the head) and transplant required area. The donor’s hair is usually taken from the back of the head. These are the techniques for hair transplanting. FUE and DHI are the most popular methods today. 

Is a bald person a good candidate for hair transplant technique?

In some cases, people experience complete baldness. Therefore, the main question here is whether they are eligible for a hair transplant or not. But still, there are conditions. As long as you have a decent supply of donor hair, you are a good candidate for hair transplants. All you need is to select a good doctor and develop a good plan.

The Donor Hair:

In the case of baldness, a good number of donor’s hair is important. The donor hair is those who remain on the back. The fringe of hair present on the back of the head is a must in this case. Otherwise, hair transplant becomes difficult if there is no donor’s hair. If a person is completely bald, then any leftover body hair is the option left. However, no other person can donate hair for you. The hair grafts must come from your own body.

Supply And Demand Issue:

If you have donor hair, it does not mean a doctor can restore all the hair. It’s a supply and demand issue. The number of hair transplanted depends upon the number of donor’s hairs. Nowadays, body hair is also a good option. You can transplant your body hair if there are any left. But at least, you can get a hairline. It alone can change the appearance tremendously. And that’s the main part of hair transplantation. Further, to increase the density of hair, there are different techniques available.

The End Result:

As we have seen, it is possible to get hair back for a complete bald person. However, a professional doctor or surgeon can guide better. The consultation and planning with your doctor help you a lot. Like, In the case of the bald person, the hair after transplant surgery may not be the same as before. It can differ in texture.


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