Complications after Hair Transplant

Despite being a minimally invasive procedure, there can still be complications after a hair transplant. It is not a surprise since all surgeries have some level of risk involved. 

Still, complications after hair transplant are not much to worry about if you follow the aftercare indications.

Treating Complications after Hair Transplant

The following are the most common complications after a hair transplant and how to properly treat them.


Swelling after the surgery is normal, but it can exacerbate greatly if you do not take the proper precautions. The first week after the surgery, you should sleep with your head at a 45-degree angle. Do this with the aid of some extra pillows placed on your bed. 

If you sleep flat on your back, you will increase swelling when you wake up. Also, whatever you do, do not sleep facedown. That will increase the swelling even more. When sleeping, you should also avoid the grafting area touching the pillow or the bed so your results won’t be affected.


Scabs will appear around the donor as it is healing from the incision to excise the follicular units. 

The scabs fall on their own. However, you can also apply bacitracin to soothe any discomforting sensation they might cause. Around ten days after the surgery, they should start to peel away. Do not attempt to rip them out yourself before that.


This very rarely occurs if you take the prescribed antibiotics. If it happens, it will be during the first four or five days. Any excessive swelling accompanied by itchiness and a reddish colour around the zone is a sign of infection. 

If you detect it, contact your surgeon immediately for further instructions. 


Itching in both the donor and receiving area is common. Do not scratch it since that risks undermining the work done and its results. You will need to exert some will power to do so. Purposefully distract yourself with something to forget about the itching.

Shock Loss

A shock loss from a hair transplant procedure is when the hairs from the follicular units grafted in the balding area fall. Do not be alarmed; this is normal and necessary. 

The hairs from the grafted hair follicles fall due to the stress from the extraction procedure. This is a necessary part of the process. Since only the already-sprouted hair falls out, but the hair follicles are still fixed in place, they will simply grow new hair later on.

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