Baldness is not something that you should accept anymore. There are easy and painless methods in order to get rid of it. FUE hair transplant is one of the most successful solutions you can get today. What is more, the results are permanent!   

What is FUE?   

FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. It can be said that it is a microsurgical procedure, meaning it is not a traditional surgery. The transplant is applied with a small device, a diameter of 0.6 mm. It is used to remove the hair follicles from the donor area, and it transfers them to the recipient area. It usually takes 4-6 hours to complete the operation.   

The Application Process of the FUE Method

Firstly, before the application, the specialist examines the hair type, skin type and the baldness of the patient. A date for the application is determined.

Secondly, at the beginning of the application, local anaesthesia is administered to the patient. During the extraction process, the follicular units are removed from the donor area, which is usually the nape area. After that, the follicular units are implemented follicle to follicle. It may sound like it takes a long time, but the results are worth waiting for. It is because you will have a natural look as if you didn’t have any transplant.

The transplant is applied with a micro motor with a 0.6 diameter. This is also the reason you will have a natural look. It can be transferred up to 5000 hair follicles, just in one session.

Although one session takes 4-6 hours, it may vary, depending on the baldness.  

Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant 

Maybe the best thing about FUE hair transplant is that it is not like traditional surgery. This means, there are no scars or wounds behind, and also there is no need for stitches. It does not even lead to bleeding, or it bleeds at the minimum rate.  

Compared to the other techniques, FUE hair transplant is painless. You don’t experience any pain, even after the local anaesthesia wears off.  

Moreover, the results of FUE are permanent! You should not worry about getting a hair transplant again.  

Even if you have sensitive skin, there is nothing to worry about. There are no side effects of FUE hair transplant. You may experience redness after the transplant, but it is completely normal. After a while, they will diminish by themselves.

The Results of FUE Hair Transplant

Shortly after the hair transplant, some hair from the recipient area may fall out. This is called “the shock hair loss period”. It may sound annoying, or it may worry you, but there is no need for it. The shock hair loss period is completely normal, and it is part of the healing process. Your hair will regrow, even healthier than before! 

As we said before, the results of FUE hair transplant are permanent. After the healing process, you can fully enjoy your new, healthy hair and never have baldness again!  

esteGrande: Where You Can Get the Best FUE Hair Transplant

At our facilities in Istanbul, we provide you with the best doctors in the industry in order to apply the FUE method. Right after you decide to have this process with our experts, we will host you in our first-class facilities with the top-notch equipment for the operation. 

Last but not least, thanks to our package-price policy, you will be able to both have a wonderful vacation in Istanbul, and regain your beautiful hair.

For more information regarding the prices and procedures we have, do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly crew.

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