We need to be careful for first 10 days after hair transplantation. These 10 days are very important for our hair and hair follicles. You should not sweat too much during the first 10 days after hair transplantation. There is a high probability of itching caused by sweating. Failure to wash for the first 10 days as you will need to take extra showers will make your job difficult.
Itching you will feel after hair transplantation is a situation that everyone encounters after hair transplantation procedures. We would like to state from the very beginning that this situation experienced after hair transplantation is quite normal. After the operation, we will make a detailed presentation about the process to be experienced with the necessary information.
After the hair transplant, you start to feel the itching from the first week after the operation. You feel itching, especially due to the scabs in the area where we transplant hair. It can also be caused by using the wrong shampoo or product that you may encounter very rarely. In this process, you should definitely get information from your doctor for the first 10 days after transplant.
Healing After Hair Transplantation
If you are wondering what will happen, let’s summarize the process. First of all, the places of the hair that have been transplanted and taken for transplantation will be healed. With the results varying from person to person, these regions heal completely in an average of 15 days. This process is a bit risky because it is the fusion phase instead of the transplanted hair. If this critical period of fifteen days is not passed properly, the result can be very bad. Your head will not take any blows and the washing process will be done correctly. In addition, swelling and crusting will be seen in 15 days. The swelling in the head will disappear within 6-7 days.
The scab will never remain towards the end of this first phase as you wash it. Pay attention to your diet at this stage, because hair is affected by your diet. You will get better results if you nourish the transplanted hair well. The time of full union of the transplanted hair is 13.-14.15. days. After these days, the critical period is over. Just because the transplanted hair has boiled does not mean you can do anything, you should be more careful for a while.
Causes of Itching After Hair Transplantation
- Itching that occurs during the healing process in the area that begins as crusting.
- Itching that occurs with the growth of the hair. This is usually itching caused by the closure of the donor area from which the hair follicles were taken in the 1st and 2nd months.
- Precautions not taken after hair transplantation, carelessness and itching caused by infection as a result of the blow to the head area after the operation. As soon as you encounter this situation, you should contact your doctor immediately.
- Allergy caused by cosmetic products that people use unconsciously after hair transplantation is itching.
The most important thing to know in particular is that the head area should not be touched during the first 10 days after hair transplantation. You should do your daily hair care according to your doctor’s instructions. You should know that itching that occurs during the healing process is a natural condition. To prevent excessive itching, you should use the lotions given to you by the doctor.
1st day in hair transplantation
The 1st day of hair transplantation is as important as the healing processes. We determine your lines for hair transplantation. After determining the areas where we will receive donors and the sections where we will transplant hair, we define the needles and their caps. After applying the anesthesia, we start the procedure prone. These processes may take 1 hour. It is possible to encounter events such as pain and rash on the first day, even if it is mild. After your hair transplantation, you can wear a bandage to apply pressure to the donor area to facilitate this process.
2nd day in hair transplantation
On the morning of the second day of hair transplantation, the day starts without ignoring the rules that indicate that the hair transplantation center should obey you. It is normal to see swelling today after the hair transplant operation. The effects of needle-free local anesthesia as the body is exiting will gradually pass. There is no pain in general, but you can relax yourself by drinking the painkillers included in the hair transplant kit provided by the hair transplant center.
Hair transplantation continues with the second day of dressing and going to the hair transplantation center for the first wash. The first washing is performed by removing the bandage from the donor area where the hair follicles are taken. Here you need to pay attention to the washing done on your hair. During the first 10 days, you will wash your hair in this way, and you will wash your hair by applying light pressure without applying any pressure. Your hair follicles will thus continue the process without any damage.
3rd day in hair transplantation
It is recommended to rest with the return to normal life on the 3rd day of hair transplantation. It will be better for your body health to spend 2 days resting after a pace. From today until the end of the 1st month, you should stay away from activities that are likely to damage your hair follicles such as heavy sports, team sports, combat sports. In addition, it is imperative that you protect your scalp from very cold and very hot weather from harmful sun rays by paying attention to weather conditions in order to relieve your scalp that will be sensitive during this period.
You should use the 15-day set provided by the hair transplant center for the post-transplant care without interruption. During the hair transplant process, it is necessary to do your washing regularly, especially for the first 10 days.
4th day in hair transplant – 10th day in hair transplant
The process that started from the 4th day of hair transplantation continues with the complete return to normal life and the application of care kits regularly. After the hair transplant operation, there is a process of adaptation to the hair texture these days. During this period, minor itching and mild burning may be experienced. In this case, you can radically solve these two situations by using the lotions in the kit given to you. It is a completely normal situation nowadays in the healing process. There will be crusting in the transplanted hair area and donor area.