First day of hair transplantation

What Is Haır Transplantatıon And Success Rate?


Hair transplantation is the process of placing a person in channels that open to spilled areas on the front. It is the process of removing hair follicles that will not fall out for life from the nape areas located between both ears. In fact, hair transplantation is the common name for the process of removing the patient’s own hair from the back of the head and transplanting it to the front. The stronger and more frequent the hair follicle on the back of a person’s head, the more frequent and stronger the amount of hair transplantation on the front.


Hair transplantation is an aesthetic operation. Hair transplantation can not perform due to the patient’s health problems, and hair transplantation can perform for people with a health condition. In hair transplantation, the patient’s own decision and psychological state are important.


Methods Used In Haır Transplantatıon


There are two methods commonly use in hair transplantation. Looking at the history of hair transplantation, hair transplantation start with the fut method. FUT method, removing a slice of hair area from the nape area with the help of a scalpel and extracting that area to individual hair roots under a microscope in the form of hair transplantation process would leave a suture mark. Currently, this process is easier and performed by removing the hair roots one by one without even a trace of stitches, and this process is called FUE. FUE is an English phrase (Follicular Unit Extraction). The natural hair appearance of the person provide by the hair October method. This procedure do without damaging the hair on the back of the neck.


How İs The Healing Process Of Hair Transplantation Day By Day?

Results Of Hair Transplantation: 1. Day


On the first day of hair transplantation surgery, the healing process of the donor area of hair transplantation is just as important as the healing of the area of hair transplantation. After hair transplantation, you discharge with this part cover with a bandage to facilitate this process, which we can also generalize as healing of the nape region.


The most important issue to pay attention to after hair transplantation: sleep position.


Results Of Hair Transplantation: 2. Day


2 after hair transplantation. a day can be a feeling of pain in the area where the hair is October and in the donor area. Bleeding in the donor area will continue to be observed, while the blood will completely dry in the October Area. The donor area bandage.


Hair Transplant Results 3. Day


3 after hair transplantation. the day is the first day of washing.


The first wash after hair transplantation will do by a person who is an expert on the subject under the supervision of your doctor.


The washing model, which will perform until the shells in the October area are shed, should maintain as perform by the expert on the first day. 3 in hair transplantation results. when you go to the clinic on the day, the bandage in the donor area first remove.


After that, a cream will be applied to soften the dry blood in the donor area with the October Area. The second process will start the washing process.


  1. during the day, you must protect your head area from the sun’s rays when you go to and return to the clinic.


Sleep position should be the same sensitivity as the first 2 days today.


Healıng Process After Haır Transplantatıon


Hair transplant surgery is a one-day operation that ends during the day.In order for the patient to spend that night comfortably, various painkillers and antibiotics are also used to protect him from infection. After hair transplantation, this area of the head should not touch the pillow for several days.He should not wear anything to rub like a hat.

Hair transplantation, patients rest for a day. Patients can return to their daily lives. After hair transplantation, on the 3rd day, the hair wash in the hospital where the October perform.


The third day, first apply lotion and then wash it every day with light fingertip massages without rubbing it. Hair transplantation, swelling in the face area may occur throughout patients. These swellings begin to descend spontaneously within a week. Three weeks after hair transplantation, mesotherapy treatment or lotion therapy can apply in terms of strengthening the hair. After hair transplantation, shampoos and lotions containing the least chemical substances recommend to the patient. After hair transplantation, it is necessary to protect the area where the hair plant, not to hit the head somewhere, not to bleed. People who play sports can start sports a week after hair transplantation. People who want to go to the sea, to the pool, can go to the pool, to the sea, a week after hair transplantation.


How Long Before The Planted Haır Comes Out?


After hair transplantation, it depends on the sensitivity shown to the texture of the area where the planting is performed. On average, after 2 months of correct hair transplantation, the hair roots begin to become evident. It continues to grow depending on other biological characteristics of the patient. After the 4th month, hair growth begins. Hair care is also important during this period. Starting from the first periods in the care of planted hair, lotion should be used to prevent peels. Sensitive care is very important in daily hair washing.


1 after the hair shell. by the end of the month, 40% of the hair plant passes. In some patients, 80% of hair may fall. If the planted hair falls more than usual, it is necessary to protect it with a Protective Lotion. In addition, it is necessary to cool to a certain degree.  After hair transplantation, genetically hair growth begins in the 6th month in some patients.


Does Hair Transplantation Give Final Results?


Hair transplantation gives accurate results, but there are some criteria that affect the successful conclusion of the operation.


The first of these criteria is that after hair transplantation, when the hair gets its final appearance, natural results are obtained so that it is not clear that hair transplantation surgery is performed.

The second criterion that the plant hair has a density that will completely cover the open scalp.

Hair density; hair strand thickness, hair length, volume of hair loss experienced in the area where hair transplantation will perform, hair structure, scalp color, hair color factors such as whether the results of hair transplantation surgery will be absolutely successful or not.

People who give final results in hair transplantation; people who experience partial hair loss characterize by the name of Type 3, Type 4 and Type 5. Hair loss in these people is dilute.

In people with large hair loss, it is possible to get the desire result with a few sessions of treatment plan.


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