Hair Implant and Hair Implantation Prices 


Having full hair is a sign of youth and health. And when we turn 30 or more, we slowly start losing those hairs and we may feel like we are losing our youth, health, and beauty. But thanks to modern technology, we can get hair implants and get our lost youth and beauty back. Losing hair is one common thing among middle-aged men but they can start losing their hairs as early as the age of 20. This problem is also very common in Canada as well. In this article, you will find what is hair implantation, where to get it, the good and bad things regarding this operation before and after, and finally how much does it cost to get hair implants in Canada. 

About Hair Implantation.

Hair implantation is the process of taking tiny hair follicles from a body part such as the back of the head, back, and shoulders, arms, chest, to implant the bald area on the head,. This operation is generally done to middle-aged men as hair loss is more common in men especially in middle-aged men than it is in women. They prefer hair implants because it is a very easy process and has little to no side effects on the body. Also, the hairs look really good and natural as they are taken from the patient himself. As the prices are not very high especially in Canada, this operation is very accessible and they can gain their confidence with their new hair. Feel free to contact us about the prices.

     There are some very common side effects to this operation and one of them is losing the new hair very fast. This is sometimes because of the new hair is trying to locate itself inside the hair roots. This losing process is also known as “shock loss” but this is a temporary thing so it is nothing to be afraid of. Some people may feel a little bit shy about getting hair implants and feel like he is going to get judged but this is a very human thing to do. Every year hundreds of men get their hair transplanted to gain their confidence back. This operation is surprisingly very common among middle eastern men, and hundreds of them fly to Turkey every year to get their hair problems fixed. As this process takes only 2 or 3 days, they turn back to their country in a short time with their new full hairs. This operation, Hair implantation is performed in winter because the operated area in the head should not be exposed to the sun because this may cause damage to the area.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are lots of advantages of Hair Implantation but let’s look at the two most important ones. First thing is that this is like a dream for people with balding problems. Those with balding problems may feel afraid and doubts about getting the surgery but after the surgery, they feel very positive and bold about themselves. The second thing is hair implantation is not painful or damaging if it is done by the trained surgeons in the field and performed in a hygienic environment. When it comes to the disadvantages of Hair implantation, there are some particular disadvantages. Firstly, you will probably feel itchiness and burning on your head but you should neither touch nor scratch it at all because you might cause bleeding to the area. Secondly, after the surgery, you may see edema forming there but it is because of the hair implantation on your head due to the sensitiveness of the area. As this is a short term thing, it is nothing to be afraid of. Thirdly, you may feel itchiness in the area and you may feel like scratching there but this may cause huge problems like infections and bleeding. This one may cause really bad problems so you should be careful about it. Last but not least, if the surgeon who performs the implantation is not an expert in the area, one can cause irreversible mistakes to the patient. You would not want to lose all the hair you have all at once while trying to get them back. And you should wash your hair the way your doctor recommends because they are very delicate in the first weeks. In conclusion, if hair implantation is not done well, the implanted hairs can grow backward and this might create a very unpleasing appearance.

Where to get the Hair Implantation Surgery?

There are quite a lot of places where u can get hair transplants. First of all, you have to choose a country that is good at performing this operation and make sure they do this operation legally. There are some countries in which this surgery is done illegally at very low costs. When you think about a place that is reliable and good at this, the first country that comes into mind is Turkey. Turkey has very low prices for hair implantation when it is compared to other countries and the rates of success are very high. Due to those reasons, it is very much preferred by people who want to have hair implants. The prices change in Turkey according to the place and chosen methods. 

These methods are the FUT (follicular unit transplant) and the FUE (follicular unit extraction). The biggest difference between these two is when the hair implantation is performed with the former method, a hair transplant surgeon removes a very small piece from which individual hair follicles are going to be extracted and transferred to the patient. While for the latter, each follicle is extracted from the chosen area in the body and transplanted to the chosen place in the head. Which type of Hair transplantation is going to be performed depends on a lot of factors. In Turkey, most hair transplant clinics offer both methods. After Turkey, Poland comes and the operation is also really cheap there. That’s usually the reason people choose this country as well. If you want to learn how much does it cost to get hair implants, contact us via email.


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