Not only men but also women experience hair loss due to various reasons. Stress and sadness, thyroid gland problems, menopause, anaemia, many factors can cause hair loss in women. Experts state that with the right treatment, women can overcome hair loss eventually. The most important step is to determine the cause of hair loss in order to treat it. It would be best if you visited a hair clinic to see the reason for the problem.
Many women complain that at least once in their lifetime, their hair is shedding more than usual. A lot of people looking for a solution to their problem without knowing why and how their hair is shed, inevitably turn to substances that medical authorities do not recommend.
On average, 50 to 100 strands of hair can be shed per day. This number varies according to age, the genetic structure of the person. If you experience more than 100 strands of hair loss per day or the new hair is more lifeless and thinner than the old one, you may consider it as a problem. Like all living things, our hair grows and dies when it stops growing. Approximately 90 per cent of the hair in our head is in the growth phase. This period ranges from one to six years. The remaining hair is in the pause phase and starts to shed.
Hair loss After Giving a Birth
Many women experience intense hair loss that begins in the months after childbirth and may last for up to a year. This self-healing situation does not lead to baldness. A similar temporary spill may also occur several months after a high fever, severe infections, severe influenza, stress and sadness, major surgeries and accidents — these conditions self-recover in one to six months.
Rarely, hair loss is seen in women, leading to baldness. Some women with this complaint may be an overproduction of male hormones (androgens). In addition to hair loss, these people may have menstrual irregularities, ovarian cysts, and male pattern hair or adrenal disorders in the body. They are a sign of disease, and with proper hormone treatments can stop hair loss. In another group of women, there are complaints of dilution, especially only at the top.
Hormones and hair loss
A second common cause is general hair loss, which is directly related to certain diseases and hormonal deficiencies. The best known of these is hair loss due to over or under-functioning of the thyroid gland. The increase in the hormone of testosterone may cause hair loss as well.
Some of the birth control pills can cause hair thinning and loss in women with a genetic predisposition. In this case, using a different birth control pill solves the problem. Most of the time, birth control pill affects treating hair loss. Because birth pills have an anti-androgenic effect which lowers testosterone and strengthens hair follicles. This situation leads to another issue which is hair loss that starting a few months after you stop using the pill. However, this is usually a temporary condition.
On the other hand, menstrual bleeding leads to iron deficiency. As a result, hair loss may happen. In this case, you must consume more iron-rich nutritions throughout this period.