Hair Loss at Nape of Neck – What Are Main Causes?

There are various patterns of hair loss. In fact, each person’s hair loss is somewhat unique compared to the others. However, we can categorize hair loss under two main types. One of them is localized, and the other is the diffuse hair loss. Diffuse hair loss is when a person experiences hair loss all throughout his or her hair. 

Localized hair loss is, on the other hand, when hair loss occurs on one or multiple separate areas of the scalp.

Losing the hair on your nape area is a localized hair loss. Some people experience this issue, and it can be frustrating for people who are considering having a transplant because the hairs located in the nape area are the best candidates for transplantation. Surgeons prefer to harvest these hair follicles as they are genetically resistant to falling out. So, what are the main causes of hair loss at the nape of the neck? 

It can be tied to one of several primary causes. We will list these causes as goes:

  1. Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is the medical term that refers to the type of hair loss caused because of pulling hair tightly. We have said that the hair on the nape area is the best candidate for transplantation. However, the hair located in the lower nape is considerably weaker and thinner. Tightly tying up your hair will cause these hairs to detach. In the short term, these hairs will regrow automatically. However, if you constantly apply such force to your hair, they will eventually be permanently lost. 

  1. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease. It causes hair loss in unpredictable areas. Roughly 2% of the entire human population has this disorder. Although the area of effect is unpredictable, it can sometimes occur in the nape area of the scalp. It is called “ophiasis” when it occurs in the nape area. Topical steroids, steroid injections and diphencyprone can help with ophiasis.

  1. Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the common genetic hair loss that both men and women experience. It typically affects the hairline and the crown area in men. Women, however, experience thinning throughout their hair originating from the top of the head. Advanced stages of androgenetic alopecia can cause the hair on the nape area to fall out in both men and women.

  1. Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia

Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia is a type of scarring alopecia that generally affects older women. It generally causes the hair on the frontal hairline and eyebrow to fall out. However, in some cases, it can also affect the hairs on the nape area. FFA can be treated with topical steroids, steroid injections and topical calcineurin inhibitors. Drugs such as doxycycline, finasteride and hydroxychloroquine are also effective against FFA.

Other Causes

Heat and various chemicals can also cause hair loss in the nape area. Try to avoid using heat and chemicals to style your hair.

Heat and various chemicals can also cause hair loss in the nape area. Try to avoid using heat and chemicals to style your hair.

If you want to resolve your balding issue permanently, you should consider having a hair transplant. Feel free to look around for more information about hair transplants.

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