Hair Loss on Legs 

In general, hair loss on our scalp is considered normal. However, Alopecia, which is a gradual loss of hair, can occur in the arms, legs, chest and other parts of the body.

Hair loss can be alarming for aesthetic reasons, or it may indicate that there are some problems in the body. Problems that lead to body hair loss are usually treatable. For this purpose, medical or psychological treatments can be applied. There are some conditions behind body hair loss.

Trichotillomania and Telogen Effluvium

A condition called Telogen effluvium can lead to body hair loss. Telogen effluvium usually occurs when the body experiences some form of physical or emotional trauma. Examples of this may be the death of a family member, a very severe disease, nutrient deficiencies, surgery or sudden weight loss. 

The shock that the body experiences causes the hair follicles to pass to the resting phase, earlier than usual, in a premature way. As a result, the body experiences hair loss. This problem is usually temporary. When the stressful situation disappears, the hairs or hair grow back, but this process can take several months. 

Trichotillomania disease, which manifests itself as the removal of hair or hair, is a psychological condition. This problem occurs in the form of a person wanting to tear off hair anywhere on his body. The person may tend to tear off their eyelashes, hair in their arms, legs, chest, and even eyebrows. 

This condition is similar to addictions or obsessive-compulsive disorder. In some, the problem appears mild and can be solved with a little awareness and concentration. Others may require counselling or therapy.

Medications and Hormonal Disorders

Hair and body hair loss can occur when the body is exposed to certain drugs or chemicals. Chemotherapy drugs, radiation (beam therapy), mercury, boric acid, and thallium can interfere with the growth level of the hair, anagen. As a result, the hair on the head and body can fall out.

Hormonal fluctuations and imbalances can temporarily lead to body hair loss. Pregnancy, menopause, thyroid problems, childbirth or birth control medications are conditions that trigger an imbalance in hormones. It may take three months for the hair to fall out after this fluctuation, and it may take up to three months for them to start growing again. Hair loss usually stops after the hormone imbalance disappears.

Treatment For Hair Loss 

It is essential to eliminate situations that facilitate the formation of hair loss. However, if you have a bald spot on your scalp due to various problems, the best option is hair transplant to treat the hair loss. Thanks to advanced technology and improved methods in the hair transplant industry, it is now easy to handle any kind of hair loss. In Gold City Hair, we offer reliable solutions for hair loss problems. Contact us for detailed information on your issue.


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